I apologize if this is the wrong list, but I think it should be the right

Tomcat writes session cookies with the webapp name in the cookie's path
field, but I map URLs by domain to hide the webapp name, with mod_rewrite.
So my sessions ain't stickin', 'cause the browser does not know to send up
the cookie.

The problem:  Sessions won't take hold, because I use mod_rewrite in Apache
to change http://www.domain.com/ to http://www.domain.com/webapp without
redirection, before sending it off through mod_jk to tomcat on another

Now, that being said, I have sessions working when I use
http://www.domain.com/webapp/ explicitly and configure things to leverage
that.  But I want to hide the webapp subdir from the browsing experience.

I run multiple sites, and each site has a webapp on my tomcat machine, which
has one instance of tomcat running.

End desired goal:
A) www.domain.com in user's browser.
B) multiple webapps in ONE tomcat instance, to reduce memory usage.  I want
to avoid separate tomcat instances for each website.
C) Sessions that work with www.domain.com in the browser. [i.e. no webapp
sub-dir name]
D) Use Apache, mod_jk and Tomcat.  And mod_rewrite where needed.

My setup:
Apache: 1.3.27 
Tomcat: 4.1.27

Example of how I have apache virtual hosts setup:

<VirtualHost [ipaddresshere]:80>
RewriteEngine on

ServerName www.domain.com

DocumentRoot /home/appman/sites

ErrorLog logs/domain_error.log
CustomLog logs/domain_access.log combined

#rewrites URLS for directories to webapp with index.jsp
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /webappname$1/index.jsp [NS,PT,L]

#rewrites plain www.domain.com  to the webapp homepage jsp
RewriteRule ^$ /webappname/index.jsp [NS,PT,L]

#rewrites all explicit jsp file requests to have webappname.
RewriteRule   ^(.*) /webappname$1 [NS,PT,L]

#all modrewrites use pass-through and Last, to avoid explicit redirect, and
to only rewrite once.
#it then goes to mod_jk

JkMount /* server4


* * * *
My server.xml file, below the connectors:

      <Host name="www.generaldomainofappserver.com" debug="0"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
<!-- ... About 20 domains aliased here, one for each site I'm running -->

<Context path="/webappname" docBase="webappname" debug="0"></Context>
<Context path="/webappnametwo" docBase="webappnametwo" debug="0"></Context>

<!-- ... About 20 webapps listed here, one for each site I'm running -->

* * * * 


So, my questions: 

1) Can I get around this by having multiple "Host" descriptors in my
server.xml, one for each domain, and having each one use a context
descriptor like:
<Context path="/" docBase="webappname"></Context>

in effect, making each webapp its own root webapp?

I tried that out, but it didn't deploy correctly.  Perhaps because the two
HOST descriptors I used had the same appBase, "webapps"?  Perhaps the
autoDeploy was double deploying the webapp to both Hosts, causing trouble?

Could I put each site's "appBase" into its own folder, and would that solve
the problem?

I've searched the archives for information on this to no avail.  Of course
perhaps I was searching on the wrong terms...

I've also investigated modifying the Tomcat source code, specifically around
line 618 in org.apache.catalina.connector.HttpResponseBase.java , to get rid
of anything that says, when writing a session cookie, "
cookie.setPath(contextPath);" --- and just have it set it as  "
cookie.setPath("/");  ".  I tried that, but there may be other classes
involved in session cookie setting, because my session cookies still came up
on my browser as having the "/webappname" as the cookie path...  Perhaps the
jk connector java code needs to be modified, too?  Could it be that Apache,
after having re-written the url to have the webapp name, makes the cookies
being set keep that sub-dir?  I'm ignorant about how cookies get passed back
through the chain from Tomcat, to mod_jk, to Apache and to the browser.  I'm
working with the assumption that only Tomcat is really involved, and it's
just more response header data being sent back -- ideally mod_jk and apache
shouldn't care about how I set the cookies...

Thanks so much for your help -- let me know if I can be of assistance in
return -- I'm willing to trade services or trouble-shooting advice for
someone who can help solve this for me, for what its worth.



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