I am using the 4.1 version of Tomcat contained in the JWSDP (Java Web
Services Developers Pack EA2) from Sun along with the versions of
startup.sh and shutdown.sh provided.  My platform is Linux RedHat 7.1.
Tomcat starts and functions correctly; however, when I use the shutdown
script to stop it, I get the error that the "commons-digester" is
missing.  More specifically, the catalina log entry looks like this:

    WebappClassLoader:   Resource '/WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester.jar' is

I have even tried putting the "commons-digester.jar" in the lib
directory of the Root context, but the error persists on shutdown.  The
latest scripts appear virtually identical to those that I used under
Tomcat 4.0.3 where I did not see the problem.

Any suggestions as to the source of the error.

Cynthia Jeness

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