Title: Message
I have been using Apache Tomcat version 4.1.18 to run a set of servlet-based web applications.  As part of my software installation, Apache Tomcat is silently installed (AT use is documented in release notes). 
I am attempting to transition my project to using Apache Tomcat 5.x (jakarta-tomcat 5.0.14 and 5.0.16 respectively), but I have run into problems with both (5.0.14 and 5.0.16) when it comes to the silent installation.  I am using the "/S" argument, just like with the previous version of Apache Tomcat.  However, with version 5.x - a dialog stating "No Java Virtual Machine found." is displayed as soon as the installation executable is run.  The JVM is correctly detected when I do a manual install, but something has changed with the Silent installation option in Version 5.x that is making it trip on this assertion. 
Can anyone clarify for me what has changed with the Silent Installation in Apache Tomcat 5.x?  Are there additional arguments that I can pass in to get past this error?  Or is this just a bug in the new version?
Thanks ahead of time,
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