Can you change the default handler from
org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet to some
other servlet or is there something special about it?

The setup that I'm working toward is one where TUX* is
the entry point and Tomcat/Cocoon2 is the dynamic

I have set up TUX already in that it takes connectiosn
from port 80 and redirects them to port 8080 (Tomcat).
When used in the standard fashion as a WAR file,
Cocoon works fine in this setup (minus a couple of bad
redirections, but nothing serious).

My question is how to I setup tomcat4 with Cocoon2
as the default handler for Tomcat?  Since I have TUX,
the default file handler becomes redundant, and since
most of my content will be Cocoon-based, I'd like it
to serve as the default handler.

(1) Is this possible and (2) is this possible while
still having the JSP and SSI handlers work normally?

So far I have tried to simply replace the catalina
references in conf/web.xml to Cocoon2 references and
changed Cocoon2's lookup name from cocoon to default. 
All this got me was a server that started up but never
served content.

Any comments?  Ideas?

- Miles


* TUX is a kernel-based web server for Linux that
handles static content and some dynamic content
ridiculously fast.

General Setup Info
RedHat 7.1 w/ XFS patch from SGI
TUX 2.0
Cocoon2 from CVS
Tomcat 4.0-b5
IBM JSDK 1.3.0
AMD Athlon 800MHz

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