
Ik have a out of the box installation of tomcat 4 on a W2K Proffesional box
with JDK 1.3.1 from Sun. Tomcat itself runs ok, the examples work etc etc.

When I deploy the jetspeed war (1.3a1) it does not work correctly (I'm not
able change the customizable area). Cocoon2 2.0b2 is also working dispite
following the Tomcat 4 installation instructions to the letter. Both
applications are working very well in tomcat 3.2.3.

These installation have been verified three times on a clean box (and
verified against two other machines) from the ground up. All show the same
problem. Tomcat 4 does not run these applications or application that depend
on them. Is this a know issue?

Regards, Wouter

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