Title: Tomcat-servlet at startup


Tomcat loads the servlet class at startup, as far as my knowledge goes it functions properly, but when i look into "tomcat.log",

it is something like this, pls look at the the highlighted text, it says "null", what does it mean?, and moreover, two contexts are present one empty and the other /root????

2001-07-10 08:50:16 - Ctx( /examples ): Add context
2001-07-10 08:50:16 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /examples )
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /admin ): Add context
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /root ): Add context
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /root )
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - ContextManager: Engine init
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx(  ): Add context
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /test ): Add context
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /examples ): Context Init
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /examples ): Pre servlet init jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /examples ): Post servlet init jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /admin ): Context Init
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /admin ): Pre servlet init jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /admin ): Post servlet init jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /root ): Context Init
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /root ): Removing duplicate servlet jsp jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /root ): Removing duplicate *.jsp -> jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /root ): Pre servlet init HangFung(JWLStartUp.JWLLoadDefaults/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /root ): Post servlet init HangFung(JWLStartUp.JWLLoadDefaults/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx(  ): Context Init
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx(  ): Removing duplicate servlet jsp jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx(  ): Removing duplicate *.jsp -> jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx(  ): Pre servlet init HangFung(JWLStartUp.JWLLoadDefaults/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx(  ): Post servlet init HangFung(JWLStartUp.JWLLoadDefaults/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /test ): Context Init
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /test ): Pre servlet init jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:17 - Ctx( /test ): Post servlet init jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 08:50:19 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler on 8080
2001-07-10 08:50:19 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler on 8007
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - ContextManager: Removing context Ctx( /examples )
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - Ctx( /examples ): Remove context
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - Ctx( /examples ): Pre servlet destroy jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - Ctx( /examples ): Post servlet destroy jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - Ctx( /examples ): Context Shutdown
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - ContextManager: Removing context Ctx( /admin )
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - Ctx( /admin ): Remove context
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - Ctx( /admin ): Pre servlet destroy jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - Ctx( /admin ): Post servlet destroy jsp(org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet/null)
2001-07-10 09:05:13 - Ctx( /admin ): Context Shutdown

thanx in adv


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