Dan Foreman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi,

I've learned more since my last questions about tomcat 5 vs 4 performance. The 
reason that it seems so much slower is that there
are more than twice as many packets being returned from the application 
server...most of which are SYN/SYN-ACK packets (no
exaggeration, from 300 packets in tomcat 4 to 800 in tomcat 5). Initially the 
SYN requests come from the browser (true for IE and
FireFox). Theorizing that the problem could be solved changing the 
connectionLinger setting from the default of 0 to 2000 ms we
tried, but had no consistent change in the amount of SYN/SYN-ACK packets being 
exchanged between the browser and tomcat. The
inconsistency in behavior leads me to believe that the problem is somehow 
related to load (network/cpu/etc), on occasion tomcat 5
will respond as tomcat 4 does (no extra chatter). Tomcat 4 running across the 
same exact network, through the same context switch
does not exhibit this ever....there is a single SYN/SYN-ACK initially and then 
just typical request/responses. 

Anybody else seen this? 

Tomcat 5.0.28/5.0.29
Tomcat 4.0.6
Java JSDK 1.4.2_02


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