I'm running Tomcat 3.2.1 with Apache, it seems that whenever Tomcat is
running the load average steadily increases, even without any hits.
Running ps -ef | grep java reveals many instances of -

root      8226  8020  5 19:27 ?        00:05:55

This is driving me nuts, I can't see any error output from Tomcat or
Apache. I suspect the problem could be related to Apache, as my test
server doesn't have the problem, the only difference bettween the two
boxes is the version of Apache, the production machine has 1.3.14 and
the test box has 1.3.19. Can anyone explain what the above process is
and why they keep building up. I'm sure this is Tomcat related as
restarting clears it.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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