Hi All,

Thanks  to  those who responded to my previous.  I'm making progress but am
still having problems.  Again, my original problems were
1)  Although  our  JSPs  run  correctly,  neither  the list nor the manager
   contexts do.
2)  Tomcat is apparently intercepting ALL httpd requests.  For example, the
   address  http://biigserver.ist.unomaha.edu/  tries  to  access  the same
   directory that Tomcat is tied to.

For the first problem, it was suggested that I needed to create a user with
the     role     of    manager.     However,    I've    done    that    (in
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml)  to no effect.  Here are the complete
contents of this file:

  NOTE:  By default, no user is included in the "manager" role required
  to operate the "/manager" web application.  If you wish to use this app,
  you must define such a user - the username and password are arbitrary.
  <user name="role1"  password="tomcat" roles="role1"  />
  <user name="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat" />
  <user name="admin" password="secret" roles="manager" />
  <user name="both"   password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1" />

Any ideas on what I am (still) doing wrong?

To  solve  the  second  problem,  respondents  indicated  that  I needed to
integrate  Tomcat  and  Apache.   On the web, I found two different sets of
instructions on how to do this but neither work.  Here's what's happened.

First,                followed                instructions               at
http://www.galatea.com/flashguides/apache-tomcat-4-unix.xml for integrating
Tomcat with Apache.  Highlights:
1)  Confirmed  that  DSO supported in my Apache installation was enabled  (
   httpd -l returned mod_so.c)
2)  Tomcat  4.0 had previously been installed via the RPM; $CATALINA_HOME =
3)             Obtained             mod_jk-3.3-ap13-eapi.so            from
   , renamed it to mod_jk.so and copied it to /usr/lib/apache.
4)    Configured    Tomcat    for    mod_jk   as   specified   with   modJk
   ="/usr/lib/apache/mod_jk.so",                              workersConfig
   ="/var/tomcat4/conf/jk/workers.properties"           and           jkLog
5)   Created   workers.properties   exactly   as   specified   except  with
   workers.tomcat_home=/var/tomcat4               and              workers.
   java_home=/usr/local/j2sdk-1.4.0.        I       did      NOT      alter
   worker.inprocess.jvm_lib   as   it   seemed  correct  as  given;  placed
   workers.properties into /var/tomcat4/conf/jk
6) Since my webapps are not located in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps, I configured
   Apache  using  Option  2.   JkWorersFile  and  JkLogFile  were  modified

After  doing  this,  Tomcat  restarted without a problem.  However, running
apachect configtest gives the error:

Syntax error on line 1505 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'JkWorkersFile', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
included in the server configuration

I've    also    tried    following    the    instructions   as   given   at
http://www.ubeans.com/tomcat/index.html  except  that I configured for only
one  tomcat server instead of two (used the same mod_jk as above) and I did
NOT modifiy catalina.sh; here is workers.properties:
# workers.properties

# In Unix, we use forward slashes:

# list the workers by name


# ------------------------
# First tomcat server
# ------------------------

# Specify the size of the open connection cache.

Again,  Tomcat  restarts  without  a  problem.   However,  running apachect
configtest now gives the error:

Syntax OK
[Wed Jul 17 12:26:38 2002] [error] Cannot remove module mod_jk.c: not found
in m
odule list

HELP  (please)!!!   By  the  way,  why  are  these  two  configurations  so
different?    (And   which   one  is  correct?)   Also,  using  the  second
configuration, what do I if my webapps are not in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps?

Here  are  the  particulars of my machine and setup:  Tomcat 4.0 is running
with Apache 1.3 on a RedHat Linux (7.3) Intel machine (P4; 1.5 GB).  Tomcat
was  installed  via  RPMs  to /var/tomcat4.  The JSPs that we want to serve
with   Tomcat   are   located   in  /bioinformatics/webapps/bioinformatics;
currently,  there  are  no subdirectories off of this directory.  Apache is
configured  with  a main server (DocumentRoot /home/www/biigweb; ServerName
biigserver.ist.unomaha.edu) and a VirtualHost which points to the directory
that      contains      our     JSPs     and     has     the     ServerName

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Mark A. Pauley, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
College of Information Science & Technology, UNO
Omaha, NE 68182-0116
phone:  (402) 554-4954  fax:  (402) 554-3284

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