Yes they are - and no where else.


Antonio Fiol Bonnín <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

17-04-2004 22:14
Besvar venligst til "Tomcat Users List"

        Til:        Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Vedr.:        Re: JDNI, DBCP and global naming resources - problem solved!

Were your Driver classes in a jar in common/lib ?

Thomas Nybro Bolding wrote:

>Dunno if this might be of interest to others but I guess some might have
>or get the same problems as I have been through for the past couple of
>hours and therefore post my findings...
>Setting up a database connection pool in Tomcat is pretty straightforward:
>either edit the server.xml or use the admin module. In either event you
>might want to follow the guide at
>But beware as this might result in a
>"org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create JDBC driver of
>class '' for connect URL 'null', cause: No suitable driver" error even
>though you have followed the instructions. In this case simply move the
><ResourceParams name="jdbc/foo">...</ResourceParams> from the server.xml
>to your application located at ...\conf\Catalina\localhost\bar.xml as
>there seems to be an issue with global naming resources.
>Does anyone know whether a bugzilla report has been filed on this subject
>(I couldnt find one) or if one should be reported at all...
>Best regards Thomas
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Filen: smime.p7s er blevet fjernet fra dette dokument den: 20 April , 2004 af Thomas Nybro Bolding

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