I ran into this while attempting to setup Tomcat & Apache with name based
virtual hosting.  It appears that the documentation for doing this
(docs/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2b3/tomcat-apache-howto.html#virtual_hosting) lists
the wrong configuration for server.xml?

It looks like the listing for server.xml is actually the listing for httpd.conf
(see below).
Next, you need to configure Tomcat's server.xml file. 
[ snip! ]
# Minimalistic Virtual Host configuration
ServerName host1
DocumentRoot /web/host1/html
ApJServMount /servlet /ROOT
<Directory "/web/host1/html/WEB-INF">
Options None
Deny from all

ServerName host2
DocumentRoot /web/host2/html
ApJServMount /servlet /ROOT
<Directory "/web/host2/html/WEB-INF">
Options None
Deny from all
[ snip! ]
Option 2 - Same Tomcat for all Virtual Hosts (server.xml)

Following the commented example in the server.xml, shouldn't it be something
like this:
<Host name="host1" >
         <Context path="" docBase="webapps/examples" />
         <Context path="/examples" docBase="webapps/ROOT" />

I'm taking a guess here with <Host name="host1" ... I'm not sure, but it sounds

Does anyone have some insite on this?

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