     I have installed tomcat last week on our solaris
server. I included a new  context called trialserv in
server.xml file. 

<Context path="/trialserv"
                 reloadable="true" >
Afetr restarting the server I found the below given
entries for the above context in the
mod_jk.config-auot file 
# The following line makes apache aware of the
location of the /trialserv context
Alias /trialserv "/usr/local/etc/httpd/trialserv"
<Directory "/usr/local/etc/httpd/trialserv">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
# The following line mounts all JSP files and the
/servlet/ uri to tomcat
JkMount /trialserv/servlet/* ajp12
JkMount /trialserv/*.jsp ajp12
# The following line prohibits users from directly
accessing WEB-INF
<Location "/trialserv/WEB-INF/">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all
# The following line prohibits users from directly
accessing META-INF
<Location "/trialserv/META-INF/">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

but when actually checked the
usr/local/etc/httpd/trialserv directory, I could find
neither WEB-INF nor META-INF under it. Then I stored a
  Hello.class under trialserv just for the checking
purpose. When I tried to browse at
"http://myservername/trialserv/Hello";, got the below
mentioned error,

Not Found (404)
Original request: /trialserv/servlet/Hello
Not found request: /trialserv/servlet/Hello

Could any one  help me in telling what for this
META-INF AND WEB-INF are, and how to get them created
under the context.  For the default context like admin
and example they are available. 

Thanks in anticipation



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