    I have recently managed to combine Apache 1.3.20, SSL and Tomcat4.0.1
together using a self compiled DEAPI web_app connector.  After much pain,
everything seemed to be working very well.  However, I am getting the
following problem:

When I start Tomcat and then Apache everything works really well - the sun
is shining and the birds are singing.  However, when I come in the following
morning (it might happen quicker than this) dark clouds have gathered and
the servlet pages won't service properly.  Sometimes they don't show up,
sometimes they half show up, sometimes missing images, css files, and then
sometimes I get the following:
WebApp: Error 404   (File: wa_request.c Line: 197)
Web Application not yet deployed.

This appears on my browser.  Sometimes it works fine - this happens for
everyone using the system.

Has anyone got any ideas what could be going on?  On reboot it works well
for another while.  It runs with extra JVM memory 32Mb and 48Mb max and I
print out the memory at each servlet and there's plenty (garbage collect
if it gets low anyway).  I use SSL with name based Virtual Hosting (I know!
but it works for the one SSL site I need and that's fine) - everything
works until it's left alone for a while.  Has anyone any suggestions on
what could be causing it please?

Thanks in advance,

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