Hello all,

 I am trying to get a reference to an EJB object from
a JSP using Tomcat4.0.1
 and Inprise Application Server, 
 but I got NamingException: Can not create resource

(1) I define the following ejb reference in the
web.xml file:


(2) here is part of my test.jsp file:

   UserHome home = null;
   Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
   Object obj =
   home = (UserHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,
   UserRemote user = home.create("King", "123456");

(3) put EJBGroup.jar and EJBGroup_Client.jar In
WEN-INF/lib and 
    the package of my EJBs in WEB-INF/classes

Any help is appreciated!


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