Can someone explain the relationship between the <error-page> element in my 
webapp's WEB.XML versus the "errorPage" attribute of the page directive 
within a JSP?  I'm trying to create a single error page that handles any 
exceptions generated by the JSPs within my webapp, without having to name 
the error page in every JSP.

To start with, I added the following to my web app's WEB.XML to indicate a 
"catch all" error page for the app:


I also marked ERROR.JSP as an error page by including the following at the 
top (note the isErrorPage attribute):

     <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" buffer="64kb" 
isErrorPage="true" %>

Unfortunately, when trying to access the "exception" object in ERROR.JSP, I 
get a NullPointerException, as though it doesn't exist.

Since I thought this should work, I must be missing something?  (I'm using 
Tomcat 4.0.4, by the way.)



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