
        I searched the archives and found several messages pertaining to my
problem but none that seem to solve it.  I have installed Tomcat 3.2.3 for
NT4.  If I run it from a command line using the batch file: Startup it works
fine and I am able to execute the sample .jsp's.  I used the
jk_nt_service.exe and installed a Jakarta service with no errors.  When I
start the service from the Services dialog I receive:

Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occurred.

        I look at the System Event Log and I have received an error on Net
Logon.  Net Logon is started, it is set to start automatically at boot-up.
The description in the event viewer is:
No Windows NT Domain Controller is available for domain SAGA. 
(This event is expected and can be ignored when booting with the 'No Net'
Hardware Profile.)  The following error occurred:
There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.

My companies domain is SAGA, but I logon with an out of office profile and
dial-up.  I was dialed-up when this occurred.  I had previously installed
Apache and JServ and had no problems with the domain.

Please help.  I have jdk1.3 but this does not seem to be related.  Tomcat is
installed on my hard drive C:. I placed the jk_nt_service.exe in my tomcat
conf dir.


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