dear all,

over the last days i have tried to set up an rmi server in a cocoon servlet running in tomcat (4.1.27, started via maven goal appserver:start);
all i want/need to do starting my rmi server is:
(1) start the rmiregistry (via LocateRegistry.createRegistry(<regPort>); //therefore the classpath should be unset
(2) set the java.rmi.server.codebase property to the specific webaccessible tomcat folder where my class files reside
(3) create a (remote) object and bind it under a specific servicename to the registry

(2) seems to work (if i use System.getProperty("java.rmi.server.codebase") the right value is displayed), BUT it does NOT
-> when a rmiClient tries to get the remote object a ClassNotFoundException is thrown (due to not finding the stub class of the remote object, which results from the obviously wrong codebase property)

if i run the same code ((1)-(3)) outside the cocoon servlet (running in tomcat) everything works fine (although i use the same running tomcat for dynamically downloading the stub files) !

WHAT am i doing wrong ???
does anybody know if properties can not be set if tomcat is running or if im running a cocoon servlet (running in tomcat) ???

i would greatly appreciate your help thanks markus

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