Ok. Like many people, I've been having problems getting the whole story 
concerning mod_jk. If anybody can put all the pieces together in one 
location, that'd be great (or if somebody already has, and I'm missing 
it, it'd be great if somebody could tell me where to look).

Here's what I know. I can grab a dll from 
and throw that in my httpd/modules directory. I can load that module 
from within httpd.conf with a "LoadModule jk2_module 
modules/mod_jk2.dll" directive (though I don't know if typing 
'jk_module' vs. 'jk2_module' is documented too well; the only place 
google can find a reference to "jk2_module" is in the archives of the 
tomcat-dev list, which isn't a good sign).

After that, it really starts to get hazy. Here are some questions.

   1. What's the relationship between
      Do I need tomcat-jk2.jar? If so, why isn't it in the
      "connectors/jk2" directory? If not, why is it named
      "tomcat-jk2.jar"? After looking around for "coyote", I find that
      it's now an official Jakarta connector project, as well as the
      default connector for tomcat 4.1. How does Coyote co-exist with
      jk2? Are they not both connectors?
   2. What's the relationship between mod_jk and the AJP connector found
      That seems like mod_jk v1... but is there anything that still
      applies, and if so, how can I tell what that might be? I used to
      use the following code:
      <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"... />
      in my CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml file. The ApacheConfig class
      is mentioned on the AJP page; can I still use this class? Or do I
      have to use a different class for jk2? If so, what class? Where
      would this class be if I already had it, and where might I find it
      if I don't?
   3. Where inside the vast number of source files found at
      (the recommended location for more information, noted on the
      nightly builds page) can I find information that might help me out
      in setting jk2 up? I'm not a tomcat developer, I'm not acquainted
      with the project, nor do I want to be; I just want to configure
      mod_jk for the latest official release of Apache httpd.
   4. When using mod_jk v1, I used to have the directive "JkWorkersFile
      %CATALINA_HOME%/conf/jk/workers.properties" within my httpd.conf.
      Either that, or I could include another document (jk.conf) that
      would contain that statement. I'm getting a message from Apache
      that says "Invalid command 'JkWorkersFile'", so I'm guessing I
      have to find a replacement for that statement. I've heard a lot of
      talk about this, but could somebody please tell me how
      workers.properties is found? I've heard that jk2 looks for a
      document called workers2.properties by default, and if it doesn't
      find that document, it complains.. but where does it look for it,
      and how do you tell it where to look? Is that taken care of in the
      Listener part of server.xml? In addition to finding the JkWorkers
      file, I also need to find the current calls for JkMount,
      JkLogFile, and JkLogLevel, in case those have changed. (Or, if
      those are auto-generated by a new java class, that's great too.)

I apologize for the length and somewhat frustrated tone of this email.. 
I sincerely appreciate any help that someone is able to give me.

Liam Morley

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