Re: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night

2018-03-29 Thread WT2P - CJ Johnson
Some of us in the W9 area now have to start contending with spring storms which raises the noise level considerably, and many folks are now beginning to take down 160 RX stuff ahead of summer. It may be a summertime lull, picking back up again in the fall wt2p -- WT2P

Re: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night

2018-02-28 Thread WT2P - CJ Johnson
I got back into the shack a little late for EU sunrise after the 0300-0400z CWT but hope we had some good participation on 160. 73, WT2P -- WT2P On 3/1/2018 12:52 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote: Activity was way down on FT8 as well. On 2/28/2018 7:56 AM, Roger Kennedy wro

Re: Topband: Working dupes on a band

2018-02-01 Thread WT2P - CJ Johnson
I am in the process of building my first ever BOG (NE/SW) and hope to be more active on 160. Wednesdays right after the 0300Z CWT's are perfect, since I end CWT's on 160 anyhow. This is the first season I've attacked my "160 problem" and started getting new countries on CW. And even developed a

Re: Topband: The Future of Ham Radio

2017-10-26 Thread WT2P - CJ Johnson
(this is a non-topband related matter but I feel I must chime in -- mostly because if you scare away the next generation of topbanders, there won't be a topband) I wish most of you (agree or disagree with the ARRL) were in attendance at the W9DXCC Convention this year where Tom spoke very powe

Re: Topband: FT8 - the end of 160m old school DXing? (long)

2017-10-25 Thread CJ Johnson
Read the full content of my message, specifically the portion where i said: “One can on any given evening call CQ in the CW sub band and get picked up by skimmers around the world, yet not get a reply” 73 On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 9:49 PM Michael Walker wrote: > > Explain why on some nights ther

Re: Topband: FT8 - the end of 160m old school DXing? (long)

2017-10-25 Thread CJ Johnson
Steve, as a relatively “young” ham living in a populous area, I have some things to offer to this thread... To give you some background: I’m 36, been licensed since 1994. Did the whole progression before code was eliminated all the way to Extra. Took electronics classes in high school and when the

Re: Topband: More noise

2017-01-28 Thread WT2P - CJ Johnson
Those cheap Baofeng chargers also generate a lot of noise on 160. Was sitting here wondering why tonight my noise level was S6 when it was S2 last night. Unplugged that piece of junk and noise is gone. Makes me want to throw the whole thing away, caused me a good 1-2 hours of frustration. w

Re: Topband: Radio World; Noise Floor; Where do we go from here?

2016-12-18 Thread CJ Johnson - WT2P
How about companies stop making cheap crap to cut corners. wt2p On 12/18/2016 6:18 PM, Art Snapper wrote: Perhaps the 3801 isn't the only equipment being used. A quick search found this posting from three months ago. It references the AT&T 5268AC router. It appears to be made by Arris. This s