Topband: Ladder line + tuner

2016-11-20 Thread D Rodman MD
I designed a loop for 100 ohm impedance and fed with coax and 1/4 wave transformer. It has worked well for years. I got the bright idea to replace the coaxial feed with 35' of 450 ohm ladder line and a Bliss remote tuner. This combination would not match. I experimented. A nice dip in VSWR

Topband: Tower painting

2016-07-19 Thread D Rodman MD
I have another perspective on this. For those of you that are pilots, my QTH is on the ring of Class C airspace. Accordingly, many airplanes fly under the "shelf" so they do not have to talk to ATC, go to and leaving from airports that are near the Class C airspace. OK, but they should not b

Re: Topband: DSP and Latency

2015-03-19 Thread D Rodman MD
Everything takes time. I have a great example of audio latency. Kitchen has television with direct cable input and family room has digital cable box with HDML to large screen LED set. When watching events, like superbowl, both sets might be on. It is highly obvious which television displays

Re: Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles

2015-03-10 Thread D Rodman MD
Heading back to the states in a few minutes. Quickly, wondering if one could measure antenna currents in the vertical portion of antenna with a pickup loop at various heights and compare with measuring ground currents at a common feed point before radials start or along a tight string pulled a

Re: Topband: Brave New World

2015-02-26 Thread D Rodman MD
I receive the list archived and this makes replying to individual posts difficult. It seems to me W0BTU summed it up succinctly. There are time delays and depending on the setup, it it varies from no factor to disabling. I don't know what others have for remote stations. I can tell you, I

Topband: beverage poles

2015-02-06 Thread D Rodman MD
I use the following after years of failure and this has been very good for me. GALVANIZED electrical conduit. About 2.5cm diameter. Cut in 1.25m length. Pound in ground. Use Gray PVC conduit 3m length (4-5cm diameter) to hold beverage. Slide PVC over galvanized conduit. Easy. Fast. Ine

Re: Topband: Recommended Antennas for 160M/80M Receiving

2014-12-22 Thread D Rodman MD
Just a few more observations with receive antennas. This past year, I did a lecture at the DX club about low band receive antennas. Basically, I gave points for various characteristics of the antennas as I employ them at my QTH. I compared the DX engineering circle 8 vs SAL vs Beverage vs K9

Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array

2014-02-09 Thread D Rodman MD
I recently put reviews about the SAL-20 and SAL-30 on if anyone is interested. Two on air demonstrations of the F/B are on YouTube. Please refer to: (160m) and (80m). -- David J Rodman MD Assistant

Re: Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 133, Issue 30

2014-01-28 Thread D Rodman MD
Thank you very much for inviting me. I was very impressed with the facility, how ideas were exchanged and attendees, although I do know them individually. I tried to advocate intravitreal injection of MTX or retuxan but not sure how far it will go. My resident is presenting the case next Th

Topband: Interference help

2013-12-11 Thread D Rodman MD
I made this video to help me identify a source and get some help with a carrier and broadband interference noted on the low bands. I have identified two general signals. They have a significant AC hum. One is strongest to the West of my location and peaks at about 20dB over S9 On the meter.

Topband: Delta Loop Match

2013-10-29 Thread D Rodman MD
Looking for some help matching my 160 loop. I made three changes to the system this year and the VSWR has increased to about 2:1 at resonance which is about the same frequency. Here is what I have. The antenna is fed at a convenient point up from a bottom corner and is hung apex high at abou

Topband: Brewster Angle

2013-02-06 Thread D Rodman MD
I have been looking for information or opinions or experience if vertically polarized antenna receive enhanced low angle signal transmission when located near salt water only or is the situation equivalent for fresh water bodies as well. Thanks. David J Rodman, MD Assistant Clinical Professo

Topband: Delta Loop vs Antenna Analyzer

2012-12-03 Thread D Rodman MD
My 160m antenna died several weeks ago from a bad coax feed line and was restored just Sunday after the contest. I have tried several antenna analyzers and none seem to work with the loop antenna. I designed the antenna for 100 ohm feed and always wanted to put a half wavelength coax on an analy

Topband: FCP question

2012-11-17 Thread D Rodman MD
Just came in from installing the inverted L and FCP. Tuned it with an SWR box at the antenna but have no connectors to attach coax so have to wait a day or so to put it on the air. This is an 80m version. Pretty much a whole day project. Reading I have done say to ground the system 5-6 feet fr

Topband: Vertical with elevated transmission line?

2012-10-25 Thread D Rodman MD
I was having an educational discussion with a friend tonight about the ramifications of feeding a vertical with an elevated transmission line. The situation would be he does not want to dig up the mesh for the 20' around the base. It was suggested to bring the transmission line out of the ground

Topband: FCP wiring question

2012-09-14 Thread D Rodman MD
I have all the materials for an inverted L, using K2AY FCP and have read his article attached to the web page. After I paid much more attention to the page, I noted that the highlighted diagrams seem to show three different ways to arrange the wiring and attachment to the transformer. One shows t

Topband: DXE Active Receive antenna question

2012-02-18 Thread D Rodman MD
I should be operating the contest, but spent some of the afternoon troubleshooting my DXE circular receive array. One thing led to another and I decided to bench test one of the receivers. We pulled out my service monitor (RF signal source) and played with the jumpers on circuit board while list

Topband: K9AY model

2012-02-04 Thread D Rodman MD
Hi does anyone happen to have an EZNEC (or similar file, source or description) that I can use to model the K9AY loop? I have a 150' distance at my location that I would be tempted to try a phasing arrangement but would like to model first. Thanks. David J Rodman, MD Assistant Clinical Professo

Topband: Unintentional

2012-01-24 Thread D Rodman MD
Sorry if I seemed incompetent this morning at 1200Z with VP6T. My transceiver had a software malfunction and would not transmit down, no matter how many times I tried to tell it to do so. I had just worked them on 80 "up" without difficulty. I just shut down and went to work, patients were waiti

Topband: Speaking of noise...

2011-12-22 Thread D Rodman MD
Here is my situation. I am pretty sure noise is from switching power supplies. Unfortunately, it tends to put noise right where I don't want it. Like bottom of 160, 80 and 40m. Typically the noise is 20-25 kHz of S8-9. One hears modulations on it and the whole band moves up and down in freque