Re: Topband: Anyone QRV in ND?

2020-04-04 Thread JAYB1943
Ron, K0IDX in ND is still active on 160 I believe – try him at his QRZ address. 73 jay ny2ny _ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: 200 Amp low pass filter for power mains?

2020-01-28 Thread JAYB1943
Try the easy stuff first – I had a similar situation a few months ago and got rid of most of it by adding a pair of 0.1 mfd (400 v) capacitors across each leg of the 220 vac line inside the junction box. GL Jay NY2NY _ Searchable Archives: -

Re: Topband: Posts about cheating

2020-01-02 Thread JAYB1943
Well said Tree – thanks so much for your observations on the subject. And remember ladies and gentlemen: It is totally legal and acceptable to the ARRL DX program to use remote transmitters and receivers for DXCC credit as long as you are still inside the borders of your own country ! If anyone

Re: Topband: A Bit of Zone 2 History Was Made Last Week

2019-11-09 Thread JAYB1943
Hey – I’m still concerned about the validity of RTTY, SSTV, and SSB since they’re not REAL radio !!! hihij -ny2ny _ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: A Bit of Zone 2 History Was Made Last Week

2019-11-08 Thread JAYB1943
To K1ZM and group – GREAT WORK GUYS !! Using the latest technology to do what could not have been done before is what Ham Radio has ALWAYS been about ...don’t let the old computer-challenged curmudgeons bother you at all. 73 Jay NY2NY _ Searchable Archives:

Re: Topband: ZK3A .........

2019-10-09 Thread JAYB1943
what are we talking about here ?? Are stations claiming qsos they didn’t make ? how would they get DXCC credit for them if the other station didn’t agree either by an LOTW response or a QSL card ?they forging QSL cards ? if there is any doubt about a QSL card’s validity, it seems to me the ARRL

Re: Topband: ZK3A .........

2019-10-09 Thread JAYB1943
whats the issue ?? _ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: spark gap construction ideas for 160m tower

2019-10-06 Thread JAYB1943
Hi Jeff – try toilet tank float balls..I think I have still seen them around in Copper ...73 jay NY2NY _ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: FYI Robot contacts "outlawed" by ARRL

2019-08-21 Thread JAYB1943
Does this “outlawing” apply to REMOTE RADIO also ? is that a “Robot” ? or does it mean QSOs made without operator intervention or control ? Operating without operator control has always been “outlawed” by the FCC I believe ? jay ny2ny _ Searchable Archives:

Re: Topband: 30-Foot Vertical

2019-06-04 Thread JAYB1943
I confirmed 120 countries on 160 with a S-9 43 ft fiberglass vertical (base loaded with tapped coil) and 3 – 120ft radials laying on the ground in 2 seasons. Used mostly CW and some JT65 and FT8 with 300w max. Mostly gotta be there when they are !! GL Jay NY2NY _ Searchable

Re: Topband: Lack of NA Activity on CW

2019-04-24 Thread JAYB1943
Lets face it guys – hams like me (age 76, licensed at age 14) learned and used CW as an (almost) mandatory part of the hobby. Along came the NO-CW licenses and there was a whole lot fewer new people on CWUs old timers are dying off and the CW mandate goes with us. Regardless of the rise of

Re: Topband: Reverse Beacon Network

2019-02-01 Thread JAYB1943
The reason PSK reporter is so one-sided to FT8 is that the WSJT software AUTOMATICALLY sends the spot to PSK Reporter. If you are on CW or SSB, you have to MANUALLY enter your spot on PSK Reporter. Don’t draw too many conclusions from the PSK graphs, they are substantially FT8 reports.

Re: Topband: JA's came in droves today on 160

2019-01-31 Thread JAYB1943
Ed – the “IP address” and the internet have nothing to do with the FT8 mode other than that’s how you initially download the WSJT-X why is the transition from RTTY to FT8 any different than the transition from AM to SSB again ? jay ny2ny

Re: Topband: Might be a good EU DX night

2018-12-28 Thread JAYB1943
The EK was calling CQ with a US grid square..might be legit ? jay ny2ny _ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Impedance of inv l?

2018-11-18 Thread JAYB1943
Theoretical impedance for a perfect 1/4 wave ground plane is 37 ohms. 60 ohms is great; 1.2:1 VSWR – leave it alone, you will never notice any difference if you try to improve it. It will change with rain, snow, etc anyhow..73 Jay ny2ny _ Searchable Archives:

Re: Topband: Bizzare EMI Story

2018-11-07 Thread JAYB1943
I’m sure there are LOTS of bizarre 160m RFI stories and I am going to add a few of mine: A few months ago, I added an ALS-600 600w HF amp to the 100w station on 160 and then the fun began. My XYL informed me that the timer alarm on the kitchen stove would trigger with each dot or dash I sent. I

Re: Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?

2018-10-18 Thread JAYB1943
It’s all about FT-8 guys – get with the program or be very marches on.jay ny2ny _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: ON4KST chat spotting error

2018-03-14 Thread JAYB1943
I use VE3SUN DXMonitor...excellent site..73 jay ny2ny _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Working dupes on a band

2018-02-01 Thread JAYB1943
Wow Roger – I didn’t know digital QSO’s were IMPROPERwelcome to the 21st century...jay ---ny2ny _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Working dupes on a band

2018-02-01 Thread JAYB1943
You guys shud try FT8 on 160..DX stations hear and decode everybody at the same time – no QRM !! They then just work their way down the list...nobody interferes with anybody else –everybody gets a chance...jay ny2ny _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Kostas' point

2018-01-17 Thread JAYB1943
As the use of –undeclared- remote receivers increases, it will be (probably already IS) IMPOSSIBLE to be sure that our QSO’s meet all the “Rules” of the ARRL. Remember, except for the specific purposes of awards and contests, one should not care at all how the other station receives his

Re: Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log

2018-01-16 Thread JAYB1943
I think we are all losing sight of one important fact: the “rules” everyone seems to speaking about are ARRL rules...the only “rules” ANY ham is obligated to follow are the applicable government regulations associated with the country they have been licensed by. Believe it or not, not all hams

Re: Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use

2018-01-14 Thread JAYB1943
We may be debating this issue too much – IMHO it seems simple using the ARRL DXCC rules: If both the Rx and the Tx are located within the borders of the country (Rx cud be 1000 miles away..), it’s a valid QSO for DXCC, WAS, etc purposes. They have accepted fully “remote” operations for DXCC

Re: Topband: WKYW on 1810kc

2018-01-10 Thread JAYB1943
just disappeared 10 min ago...maybe FCC got’em ? _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: WKYW on 1810kc

2018-01-10 Thread JAYB1943
just received from FCC: Hi JAMES, Thank you for your submission. Your request has been received and assigned Ticket No. 2159601. Throughout the complaint process, you will receive periodic emails updating you about the status of your complaint. If you have information to add to your

Re: Topband: WKYW on 1810kc

2018-01-10 Thread JAYB1943
I reported the situation via email to the Regional FCC office (office closed for the day so no phone service). Suggest others do the same: jay ny2ny _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: WKYW on 1810kc

2018-01-10 Thread JAYB1943
I have tried every telephone number I cud find in an attempt to reach someone at the station; the phone goes un-answered no matter how long I hold on. I did send them an email thru their website but I’m guessing it will a long time before someone reads it. I guess the next step is to try and

Re: Topband: WKYW on 1810kc

2018-01-10 Thread JAYB1943
s5 with Motown music in FN30 NY...anybody been in touch with them ? ny2ny _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: FT8 qrm

2017-11-29 Thread JAYB1943
I think we may be missing a key point...There are probably many 1000’s of 160m cw/ssb ops out there who have never heard –or heard of- FT8. They probably think the noisy tone they hear is some local QRN and don’t relate it at all to another ham signal. We all have to live with some QRM once in

Re: Topband: future of ham radio

2017-10-27 Thread JAYB1943
My latest non “black box” project – pixs attached—see u on 475 khz (kc) CW...?? hihi..jay ny2ny _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: the future of ham radio

2017-10-27 Thread JAYB1943
Hooray Nick – best piece of writing on this whole subject by farIn my 60+ years of hamming, the changes in technology is EXACTLY what has kept me so interested over that time...If all there was today was still AM phone and xtal-controlled rigs, I guess I would have looked for some more

Re: Topband: FT8 - the end of 160m old school DXing?

2017-10-25 Thread JAYB1943
I guess I don’t understand what makes the new Digital modes any different from old RTTY...the “sounds” are similar enuf to learn to love and the words are still displayed on (in the old days) paper or a screen. There are many audibly-compromised hams out there – such as me – who really welcome

Re: Topband: Inverted L successes

2017-08-28 Thread JAYB1943
Last fall I installed an “S-9” 43 ft vertical, added a tapped loading coil at the base, with 10 on-the-ground radials about 100 ft long randomly run all over my 60x90 house plot. Rig is 300 watts - Started on 160 DXCC with 32 entities, finished DXCC in one winter season. My secret: JT65

Re: Topband: Top Band and JT65

2017-05-14 Thread JAYB1943
Well, let’s face it – if two dishonest hams decide to agree that they had a QSO that never was and verify it on either LOTW or by QSL, it’s nobody’s business but their own, IMHO. If getting some credit for something you never actually did makes u happy, who am I to spoil your happiness ? It’s

Re: Topband: Top Band and JT65

2017-05-14 Thread JAYB1943
And MY 2 cents...the ONLY criteria for ANY ARRL (or other) awards is very simple: If both stations AGREE they have made a QSO, then they DID have a valid QSO...regardless how/when/mode/assist/etc is used.There is no third-party judge required or invited...KIS..jay ny2ny _

Topband: 160 POWER

2017-03-20 Thread JAYB1943
I sure agree with John, W4NU...I have been working on 160 DXCC with 80 watts and an inverted-L for 20 years and only managed 65 countries. Just bought a 600 watt amp 3 months ago, worked country #99 yesterday and expect to work #100 this week !! The received noise levels at so many stations

Re: Topband: RF interference from 160m to GE Electric stove

2016-11-06 Thread JAYB1943
Thanks to all the guys who answered my query – seems unanimous that I should add Mix 31 Ferrites to the stove ac feed so just ordered them from DX engineering – shud be installed and tested by the end of the week.. Will probably also add some .05 or so bypass caps to the line while I’m there –

Topband: RF interference from 160m to GE Electric stove

2016-11-06 Thread JAYB1943
Hi guys – I have recently added a 160m amp to my station and have created an RFI problem I can’t solve. When I transmit on 160 with any more than 150 watts, the GE electric stove in the kitchen ALARMS and must be reset. I guess the 160 signal from the vertical is getting into the AC power lines

Topband: more on DXCC remotes

2015-07-11 Thread JAYB1943
I have sent the following to my ARRL Director: Hi Mike – I don’t think we really can’t deny the advance of fact, traditionally, hams have always been in the forefront of new technical developments. Personal specific actions by the individual ham operator to accomplish the QSO

Re: Topband: K1N On Line Log

2015-02-06 Thread JAYB1943
Thanx for the input guys – I too worked them on 160 easy; my other 2 band qsos showed up but 160 still among the missing. Hope it wasn’t a pirate on 160 – they were LOUD in NY on 2/4. Let’s hope they get the logs squared away soon – it sure does cut down on the QRM. 73- Jay NY2NY

Re: Topband: Missing K1N 160m QSO records just uploaded to Clublog

2015-02-06 Thread JAYB1943
Mine neither – 0124 feb 4 – hope the missing ones are still in the primary log database...jay ny2ny _ Topband Reflector Archives -