Re: Topband: RBN on 160M

2024-11-06 Thread JC(Jose Carlos) via Topband
WWWROF. I do not support RX antennas anymore., no exception. 73;s JC _ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: CY9C

2024-09-07 Thread JC(Jose Carlos) via Topband
Hi guys I would like to share my way to see the situation on low bands. Just selecting a target, a goal and or an objective, like number of DXCC entities worked on 160 m as a goal, you will see no joy until you get there, and when you get there, you will be empty because the task is done. Ins

Topband: Small Loop does not receive weak signal on 160m BOUVET RX SPOILER

2022-12-23 Thread JC
original pdf Flag Theory, for the long answer. 73’s JC N4IS Flag Theory Dallas Lankford, 1/31/09, rev. 9/9/09 The derivation which follows is a variation of Belrose's classical derivation for ferrite rod loop antennas, “Ferromagnetic Loop Aerials,” Wireless Engineer, Februar

Topband: FW: Band conditions

2022-11-16 Thread JC
NM7M's book titled "The Big Gun's Guide to Low-Band Propagation" is in the 160m link. The propagation on solar maximum is just different from solar minimum. 73's JC N4IS _ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: FT8 - How it really works

2018-12-24 Thread JC
ticle, there is nothing new about improvement of signal to noise ratio reducing the bandwidth. On the article, the test was CW at 12 wpm and 9 Hz filter BW , no ring using WWV as time source for the synchronization. That was state of the art back in the early 70's, almost 50 years ago. 73

Re: Topband: On FT8, noise bandwidths, filters, and signal vs noise.

2018-12-20 Thread JC
manmade noise end up below the MDS of my radio. As a result it is common for me to use 50 Hz, Doug NX4D sometimes uses the SAFF filter on the Orion II at 20 Hz, in both cases the weak signal at noise level signal just pop up out of the noise. 73 N4IS JC _ Searchable Archives: http

Re: Topband: 40m array as RX antenna

2018-11-15 Thread JC
impossible to avoid that. A Metal case protects the board and avoid the external current to get into the board. 8- I can agree that the intensity of the signal and the common mode signal leak could be 20 db, 30 db or more. However when you dig a weak signal it is huge problem. 73' JC

Re: Topband: Accuracy of modeling of 160m verticals

2018-11-08 Thread JC
the dipole and irradiate vertical as well. Always use both polarization on EZNEC to understand what the antenna is doing. 73's JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Roger Kennedy Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 4:51

Re: Topband: In L in Tree

2018-09-23 Thread JC
ut we don't know why" " In Theory, we know everything, but nothing works" We combine Theory and Practice: NOTHING WORKS, AND WE DON'T KNOW WHY! 73's JC -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Edward via Topband

Re: Topband: Use shunt fed tower

2018-09-15 Thread JC
them wont perform if you do not detune your tower. No pain no gain! 73's JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Steve Lawrence via Topband Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2018 3:22 PM To: Top Band List List Subject: Re: Topband:

Re: Topband: Radial wire

2018-09-05 Thread JC
veral situation of aluminum joints becoming a strong noise source. The same joints are not a problem on 80 or 40m, the issue is just around 2 MHz Save yourself a lot of problems, aluminum an 160m antennas are not a good combination. 73's JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archi

Re: Topband: FT8 qrm

2017-11-29 Thread JC
Wes I agree 100%; different protocol for two different species. I have ears and not a USB port! My PC does. N4IS JC -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Wes Stewart Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:50 PM To:

Re: Topband: 160m beacons list update

2017-11-29 Thread JC
above 3 MHz! 160m is very narrow 50KHz for most countries. Beacons on 160m just eat band and DQRM. My two cents, JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Petr Ourednik Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 4:54 AM To:

Re: Topband: Beverage construction

2017-11-23 Thread JC
de signal coming from the RX antenna should be zero. Turn the preamplifier on, any noise you hear is not coming from the antenna and it is common mode noise that you need to clean. Choke can help a lot if you have a good ground connection. 73's JC N4IS -Original Message- From: To

Re: Topband: Relay info needed,

2017-11-12 Thread JC
80m, I hope you can fix that, 73 JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of MR TREVOR DUNNE Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2017 7:21 PM To: topband List Subject: Topband: Relay info needed, Hi All So after I got my vertical all tuned in I

Re: Topband: Change in 160m conditions

2017-11-09 Thread JC
g another 20 db layer of weak signals without high performance RX antenna. It point is : You don't know what you are missing if you don't have anything to compare with. Get a high RDF RX antennas! You can't have enough. The deep of cycle 25 can last 6 or more years, think about th

Re: Topband: Good Conditions Last Night

2017-11-07 Thread JC
more openings during November/ December. The DX season is here and very strong opening are possible every night. Use your fingers and call CQ on 160m. A receiving antenna beaming North will be very helpful for several years during the low part of the solar cycle. 73's JC -Original Me

Re: Topband: Rotator creating spur on 1820

2017-11-02 Thread JC
towers or external metal structures as well. 73's JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2017 10:47 AM To: Subject: Re: Topband: Rotator creating spur on 182

Re: Topband: 160m Vertical matching Help

2017-11-01 Thread JC
Hi guys Before anything else, don't trust MFJ269 reading, transmit with 10 w and measure the SWR. It is very common the energy from AM broadcast stations changes the real impedance reading on portable analyzers. 73's N4IS JC -Original Message- From: Topband [mailto:to

Re: Topband: FT8.

2017-10-25 Thread JC
o read the screen, and decide how to click, well ... no much challenge too. I don't like RTTY either, I made only one QSO since 1969. 73's JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: FT8 - the end of 160m old school DXing?

2017-10-25 Thread JC
he contacts but does not understand why? And if they don’t mind why should us care about it? Ham radio is beautiful, enjoy all you can the way you can! The best antenna is the one you have and not the big gun that you don’t have, and can’t use. 73's JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: FT8 - the end of 160m old school DXing? (long)

2017-10-25 Thread JC
too. The best way to know the future is to work on it. We should be back to call CQ for the fun to work someone. Call CQ 5 times and then turn your computer on, every day, if all of us do it once a day, the band will be fun again. 73's N4IS JC _ Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: 160 4 square

2017-08-28 Thread JC
for me, but things are getting back to normal. Bod will get his antennas very soon. Family, Work and Radio but health was been some complex with my vertigo problem. I am really way behind schedule here. 73’s JC N4IS From: Lee STRAHAN [] Sent: Monday

Re: Topband: 160 4 square

2017-08-28 Thread JC
ignals can be hear 2 hours after sunrise, and sometime 2 hours before sunset. Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Lee STRAHAN [] Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 2:03 AM To: JC ; 'GaryK9GS' ; 'Greg' ; 'topband' Subject: RE: Topband: 160

Re: Topband: 160 4 square

2017-08-27 Thread JC
It is necessity to keep all of them clean. Performance is subjective, if you have nothing to compare you never know what you are missing. If you listen only vertical you are missing 50% of the band. Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [

Re: Topband: LU5OM shortened dipole (inverted vee) doing a nice job

2017-07-25 Thread JC
on when the TX antenna is detuned (become non resonant on the band you are listening) The answer for my question is "just one" always one system. Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of K1FZ-Bruce Sent: Tuesda

Re: Topband: to JT or not to JT

2017-05-21 Thread JC
JT is not CW and not SSB, why it is not a category by itself. SSB CW and Digital. DXCC JT modes. Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Sean Waite Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2017 12:47 PM To: Nick Maslon - K1NZ ; topband

Re: Topband: Top Band and JT65

2017-05-14 Thread JC
s -22db on the vertical TX antenna, the same signal is +1db on my HWF. I can hear hundreds of station on any given night on 160m using my HWF on digital modes. Zone 23, 24, 26 and 28 are active on 160m, WSJT, hundreds of YB stations are active on 80m, digital mode. I just don't like JT modes.

Re: Topband: CNN notch filter recommendations

2017-05-14 Thread JC
Kevin There is a well known DLW Associates AM Broadcast Band Brick-Wall High Pass Filters The 9 pole filter can be tuned for one of the deep nulls attenuate the station you need by 70db or more, give DLW a call. Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband

Re: Topband: Top Band and JT65

2017-05-14 Thread JC
consider a QSO, just a machine to machine connection. The human operator is an option, all communication could and can be done by software as well. Again it is just a personal thing. Regards JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: transformers, teflon tubing

2017-04-28 Thread JC
have a thunderstorm nearby. The logistic to get the antenna at the tower most of the time cost more than the antenna itself, repeating the installation several times a year is not a good idea. Regards JC -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf

Re: Topband: Propagation

2017-04-18 Thread JC
Hi Bruce V P 8 A L J beacon transmits with 30w and the antenna is a vertical but I don't have more information about it. The frequency is 1804.8, I can hear the beacon here in Florida 449 to 559 almost every night starting 01z. The beacon has a long time between transitions. Conditions is promis

Topband: FW: 160 power

2017-03-22 Thread JC
ny low band operator improve his or her performance. My two cents N4IS JC _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: JT65 on 160

2017-03-17 Thread JC
BD0AAI is zone 23 and likes JT modes and cw. JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of James Wolf Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 3:49 PM To: 'List-Topband' Subject: Re: Topband: JT65 on 160 If I find someone on 160 in zone 23

Re: Topband: [TowerTalk] What's heating up ?

2017-03-13 Thread JC
touch each other. Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Lennart m Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 1:29 PM To:; 'Gary Schafer' ; 'Jim Kennedy' ; 'Steve London' Cc: 'Topband

Re: Topband: greyline prop forecast

2017-02-17 Thread JC
rtical WF. It is observed and documented in a daily base since 2009 when I started to use horizontal polarization on 160m. A/B test is a fact not a proposed explanation of ionosphere behavior. 73's N4IS JC _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Echo on 160m yesterday morning

2017-02-06 Thread JC
most unlike due the small power used during the event observed. Manmade echo are more likely to explain the echo. 73's JC N4IS repeaters, Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Tim Shoppa Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2017 4:44 PM To:

Re: Topband: (no subject)

2016-12-23 Thread JC
DON’T OPEN THE LINK IT NOT FROM ME. IT MAY BE A VIRUS! From: 'topband' [] Sent: Friday, December 23, 2016 8:33 PM To: Subject: "Re: Topband: Radio World; Noise Floor; Where do we go from here?" JC doc <http

Re: Topband: "Thinking out loud"

2016-12-22 Thread JC
ral station during 2016, I found signals above +10 dBm coming from the TX antenna, and leaking everywhere into the radio. That's a lot of RF energy. 10 mW.. of garbage.. Agree again with you about the narrow filter front end. Happy Holidays! 73 JC N4IS This concept is very import

Re: Topband: Radio World; Noise Floor; Where do we go from here?

2016-12-17 Thread JC
Hi Guy I live in Ft Lauderdale city lot, 6 million people in 100 miles, very noise on the vertical, zero noise on the Horizontal Waller Flag, In the next 10 year every ham will use some kind or receiving antennas. That’s what we do, innovation !! new things .. 73' JC N4IS -Ori

Re: Topband: Bowtie Flags

2016-12-13 Thread JC
Sorry, the invention was in 1938 and the patent issued 1941 -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of JC Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 6:28 PM To: 'Don Kirk' ; 'Mark Connelly' Cc: 'topband' Subject: Re:

Re: Topband: Bowtie Flags

2016-12-13 Thread JC
Hi Mark Terminated loops are very old, the first patent belongs to Harold Beverage Harold Beverage invented wide band receiver antenna, loaded loop in 1941 US2247743.pdf Most variations of this kind of antennas like t

Re: Topband: Twist a Flag into a Bowtie?

2016-12-13 Thread JC
Hi Nick I would say grounded both ends, don't need to be connected to the antenna itself, right. JC -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Nick Hall-Patch Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 11:42 AM To: JC Cc: 'topband

Re: Topband: Twist a Flag into a Bowtie?

2016-12-13 Thread JC
Hi Nick The wire will reduce loss on the transmission line given a better match and phase. In practice you can see change on the SWR and front back. If you have a good ground you probably won't see anything changing. Regards JC -Original Message- From: Nick Hall-Patch [mai

Re: Topband: Twist a Flag into a Bowtie?

2016-12-11 Thread JC
the two loops, if you elevate the DHDL high far from the ground, the patter changes. The DHDL is a ground dependent antenna, improving the ground with a ground wire bellow the antenna can fix some ground problems. My two cents. 73's JC N4IS -Original Message- From: To

Topband: Long path propagation SSE/SSW

2016-12-06 Thread JC
ion mode is becoming more common. 73's JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: DX Propagation long path is getting strong this season

2016-12-06 Thread JC
but some QSB and a quick shift towards west. Joe (WL7E) also reported poor condx to Japan this morning, go figure! We don't understand it ,but enjoy it for sure, Any comments on SSE/SSW are welcome , this propagation mode is becoming more common. 73's JC N4IS ___

Re: Topband: Top band from Indian Ocean - 3B9HA

2016-12-01 Thread JC
after your sunrise, but just above the noise Q4. Conditions are recovering from last magnetic storm and can be very good during the weekend, Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Olof Lundberg Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016

Topband: Power line noise and Contest conditions during CQWW

2016-11-30 Thread JC
and I decided to shot a quick video about it. wf300-system-on-160m/ When you control commom node noise a vertical loop can save the weekend. Regards JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives - http

Re: Topband: Hi Gain Preamps, Noise Figure Comparison (KD9SV 994 x5, W1FB, W7IUV preamps)

2016-11-08 Thread JC
quality lab equipment, calibrated and two hours per measurement for each NF reading. This assuming the temperature does no change during the test. Your Noise Figure Uncertainty based on your video could be 5db or more. 73's JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Modeling Transmit Antenna Affect on Rx Antenna Performance?

2016-09-30 Thread JC
Your feedline is about 350 feet. That is (with RG213 -velocity 0,66-) close to 1 wavelength. With 1 wavelength feedline, the TX antenna is floating when the feedline is open in the shack. Just wrong once more. !! _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Modeling Transmit Antenna Affect on Rx Antenna Performance?

2016-09-30 Thread JC
m the feed line drops the noise 2 S units on the RX antenna. Changing the impedance you can notice a change in the noise but only few dbs. JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Modeling Transmit Antenna Affect on Rx Antenna Performance?

2016-09-30 Thread JC
disconnecting it from the coaxial cable using a fast vacuum relay. This will to the same as my UNIPOLE. Just keep the T floating during RX. 73 JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: best headphones for cw

2016-06-17 Thread JC
Some headphone can isolate noise very well. I like the Sennheiser HD280 , it provide 36db isolation, but the best one I have is the MC5 from Etymotic ear plug that can reach 42 db isolation. 73' JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: low band propagation at solar min

2016-06-05 Thread JC
t spotless days list of last 150 years. My expectation is that cycle 25 should better than 24 for low bands. But just my expectation without scientific reasons. 73's JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives - http:

Topband: WF300 vertical & horizontal noise and & magnetic loop

2016-05-11 Thread JC Regards JC N4IS See you guys at Dayton. _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: The band sans noise

2016-04-22 Thread JC
SORRY am not getting into this PR.. PIXEL loop is a low RDF and LOW performance receiving antenna, it is really snake oil. I'm out of this discussion. Regards JC >> In tests, the Pixel magnetic loop provided at least 20 dB null off the sides. From my experience, that is

Re: Topband: The band sans noise

2016-04-20 Thread JC
Correct link for the pdf file, It has more slides not covered during the time limited webinar Small-Lot-.pdf JC -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of JC

Re: Topband: The band sans noise

2016-04-20 Thread JC
since 2006, and HWF since 2010. Vertical polarization is not a solution for urban 160m stations to fight man made noise. Regards JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: VK0EK confirmation

2016-04-18 Thread JC
fantastic fast! The delay could be just a QSL process issue. Regards JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: #300 Small Lot DXCC

2016-04-11 Thread JC
t wide. I have lost most of three winter seasons due to power line and camper trailer buzzes. I am not saying it is easy, but hope this will be encouragement to the Little Guns out there. 73 / Doug / NX4D >>> (JC, I am not subscribed to Top Band Reflector. Can you add this?)

Re: Topband: Post contest season: TX antenna vs RX antenna cros-stalk. What do you do?

2016-03-24 Thread JC
f the receiver. My station is quiet, I cannot detect any trace or light carrier doing the test above. Regards JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -


2016-03-08 Thread JC
t crap coming from my PC and PC LCD monitor just vanished, the box was open in one side and not grounded. The preamp was inside a TIM PLATE BOX used for EME shield with feedthrough capacitor and chokes, but the steel galvanized box improved the shield a lot. 1.8 MHz is quite a


2016-03-08 Thread JC
after the preamplifier. I think the real world is here to stay and we need to review our best practice for low band stations. A SWL AM/SSB portable radio to sniff the new source of noise is a very important tool for the Real World. 73’s JC N4IS

Re: Topband: : RDF in the real-world

2016-03-04 Thread JC
>that a BOG antenna is a tuned circuit not a traveling wave antenna. < Hi Bruce, I am missing something here, can you elaborate on that statement? 73 JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Comments on High Performance RX Antennas for a Small Lot (Webinar)

2016-03-04 Thread JC
es on 160m, Doug is 298 and I'm 283 now. Regards JC -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 12:04 PM To: Subject: Re: Topband: Comments on High Performance RX Ante

Re: Topband: RDF in the real-world

2016-03-04 Thread JC
interesting aspects of each antenna that deserved more time to elaborate, maybe next time with dedicate one hour for each type of antenna. The idea was to quantity what directivity can do for you in practical DXing. Regards JC -Original Message- From: Topband [mailto:topband-boun

Re: Topband: Comments on High Performance RX Antennas for a Small Lot (Webinar)

2016-03-04 Thread JC
a practical empirical result, you can try and check it by yourself. Regards JC -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Richard (Rick) Karlquist Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 12:38 AM To: Subject: Topband: Comments on

Re: Topband: Am I the only one in step?

2016-02-28 Thread JC
ng 120W and a beverage towards US. The signal was amazing and peaked 569 before their SR So, there are plenty of gentlemen's on the band and the bad days with bad propagation is over, we should have good propagation condition on 160m for years to come. 73's JC N4IS ___

Re: Topband: Strange propagation

2016-01-14 Thread JC
here is no check on day light QSO on LOTW. 73's JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Strange propagation

2016-01-14 Thread JC
e is privacy. HRH warranty nobody will possibly know you are using this fantastic technology. WHY?? Open the list of users, be proud of it! My 100 cents N4IS JC -Original Message- From: Herbert Schoenbohm To: topband Sent: Thu, Jan 14, 2016 4:54 pm Subject: Re: Topband: Strange propagatio

Re: Topband: BOG near salt water

2016-01-08 Thread JC
, (-1 in the formula) and with a good ground conductivity the current in the wire and the current in the ground will deeply cancel each other. That’s why any horizontal wire very near the ground only receives along the wire and vertical polarized. 73's JC _ Topband

Re: Topband: 160M EWE Problems

2015-12-10 Thread JC
base is not a very popular solution. It is hard to run the cables inside the tower they say. As a result RF is everywhere in the shack. No solution for that too. I am just trying to help, there is no free beef regarding good RX systems. 73's JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: ADC Overload from MW transmitters

2015-10-23 Thread JC
ter worse (This applies only to the INTENTIONAL QRMers) (Others, it is helpful to acknowledge and try to help.) One of those "Stinkers" on the West Coast has been caught and punished severely. There'll be others surely, as we perfect means of detection and "coping". Additionally

Re: Topband: ADC Overload

2015-10-12 Thread JC
all the same during the day time or during the night. If you check the top contest results you can find a good reason why the top stations are using only few Radios models. Regards JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Commond mode choke for Beverage

2015-10-12 Thread JC
will be a specialist after reading this guide. Regards JC N4IS From: Filipe Lopes [] Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 9:52 AM To: JC Cc: topBand Subject: Re: Topband: Commond mode choke for Beverage Hello JC, Thanks for your answer. I just ordered a few

Re: Topband: Commond mode choke for Beverage

2015-10-12 Thread JC
Hi Filipe Zero , you should use material #31 or #77 , The core you have is not good for low bands. JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Filipe Lopes Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 8:46 AM To: topBand Subject: Topband: Commond

Re: Topband: SDR Mythbusters - ADC Overload myths debunked...

2015-10-11 Thread JC
t tell the true value of a radio. It gives you specific results for specific test conditions. I believe DDC is the future, but we are not there yet. Regards JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Waller Flag

2015-09-08 Thread JC
or as well. >> So in order to simply match the noise level of .446 uVolts with a signal you need a signal impinging on this antenna that would produce 79 uVolts in an antenna similar to the reference. << I really don't understand you point can you elaborate it? Regards JC


2015-09-08 Thread JC
I meant OFF and not ON for the internal preamp. I don't use internal preamp ON. The issue is most internal preamps are not designed for 160m, they need to cover up to 50 MHz Even the ICOM Norton preamp does not have the muscle to handle the signals level on 160m. If you turn << OFF >> you int


2015-09-08 Thread JC
orms very well. Polarization filter is a powerful tool for urban stations that cannot be disregarded. There is no commercial loop compatible or comparable to the HWF antenna, it is a different ball game. The results worth the time and money to implement it. It all a good debate and we agree in

Re: Topband: [WARNING: A/V UNSCANNABLE]RE: Waller Flag Question

2015-09-07 Thread JC
s all the difference in propagation and signal to noise ratio. JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Jim Brown Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 5:32 PM To: Subject: Re: Topband: [WARNING: A/V UNSCANNABLE]RE: W

Re: Topband: Waller Flag Question

2015-09-07 Thread JC
2S unis on 80m. Tom is right about the 40 db gain, gain means nothing, the NF of the system is the only thing the matters. Decrease your RF gain and increase the AF gain that you will hear better than most preamp's can help. N4IS JC _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Waller Flag Question

2015-09-07 Thread JC
=%22harold+h+beverage%22#PPA3,M1 Yes, the HWF is really a Beverage antenna. Hehehe. Would you send me more information so I can update my History of the Flag antenna? JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Andrew Ikin Sent: Sunday

Re: Topband: Waller Flag Question

2015-09-07 Thread JC
0 dB, relays must be 100dB or more in isolation, and much more details that I won't cover. It is not a weekend project. Regards JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Waller Flag Question

2015-09-07 Thread JC
. I recommend don't waste your time if detuning is not on top of you to-do list. Remove common node noise with chokes should be the second on the list, Antenna and preamp is the last thing to get going. Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [mailto:topband-boun...@conte

Re: Topband: KD9SV-OK1RR relays ???

2015-08-30 Thread JC
delay CW electronic key like K1EL winkey (the new K16 IC is just US$8) or any new design with delay and tail adjustment. Several logging programs also have CW machine with delay feature. My 20 cents. N4IS JC -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Be

Re: Topband: Best wire antenna for roof top location.

2015-08-15 Thread JC
m roof top as well. With the HWF the 160, 80, 40 and 30m bands are quiet as 20m, it is a difference experience. Regards JC _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: [Bulk] Best wire antenna for roof top location

2015-08-08 Thread JC
rtical inverted L for TX. Regards JC _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Fwd: Re: [Bulk] alternative feedpoint capacitor

2015-08-03 Thread JC
much better job them one 500ps that is not NPO. My two cents N4IS JC , _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Fwd: ARRL Board meets next week - I'm looking for input

2015-07-11 Thread JC
pure money talk. Just to be aware there is real invasion of new HF services hungry for broadband digital communication. Some future discussion will be only about revenue and not about public safety, innovation, love for radio, all things we care and hold us together for the last century. Rega

Re: Topband: Maunder minimum solar cycle in 2030?

2015-07-11 Thread JC
Thanks Bill There is another video about Maunder minimum coming fast. As you can hear on the video paid Scientist are paid to say so. 73's JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of

Re: Topband: Fw: verticals by the sea

2015-04-03 Thread JC
Just two years DU7ET worked WAS on 160m using an inverted V. Robert had a good signal long path almost every day for six months. By the way , he told me he will be active from DU7ET again starting is October. 73 JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [mailto:topband-boun

Re: Topband: verticals by the sea

2015-04-03 Thread JC
/equipment.html 73's JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Mike Smith VE9AA Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 11:18 AM To: Subject: Re: Topband: verticals by the sea Is there any advantage to using an inverted V

Re: Topband: 9Q0HQ

2015-03-19 Thread JC
use of chokes. Horizontal flag does help but needs to be high above ground. Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Guido Tedeschi Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 11:37 AM To: Subject: Re: Topband: 9Q0HQ


2015-03-19 Thread JC
d at the same time DJ7RJ was on 160m from a nearby country and his signal was always good and easy to copy. Maybe Willi have the secret TX antenna that's work. 73.s JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: *****SPAM***** Re: Brave New World

2015-02-26 Thread JC
don't like about HRH is the commercial aspect of it, U$ /min air time. The legality of it depends on the money behind each side. We can lose our privileges with this precedent. It depends in how much money will in the table. Best strategy is do not play it, if you don't want to live with t

Re: Topband: K1N 5,399 q's on 160 M

2015-02-16 Thread JC
Tomi (HA7RY). During 28 days of operation we made a total of 36,148 QSO-s, of which 3,425 were on 160 meters >> Regards JC N4IS -Original Message- From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Ray Benny Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 1:53 PM To: Milt -- N5IA

Re: Topband: K1N 5000q's on 160

2015-02-14 Thread JC
I think propagation should be taken in consideration on 160, nowadays has been hard to work Europe form Florida, I don't remember propagation so difficult like the one we are experiencing during this second peak if the solar cycle. K1N results on 160 m are just fantastic. Regards JC

Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers

2015-02-05 Thread JC
s " SteepIR". I am surprised they installed dipoles, they may get a last minute approval but wires were not allowed by USFWS. That’s why there are no beverages on K1N plan. Regards JC N4IS _ Topband Reflector Archives -

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