Re: Topband: Blatant cheating using Remote Operation

2019-10-13 Thread José E . Ribeiro de
Greg, For DXCC there's no such a 500m rule, you can operate your station (in New-Zealand) remotelly from Portugal as soon as you use your callsign ZL3IX, QSOs will count only for New-Zealand. Have a look at this e-mail a got from DXCC: Jose, Remote operation is legal as for DXCC as long as the

Re: Topband: FT8 - the end of 160m old school DXing? (long)

2017-10-25 Thread José E . Ribeiro de
No FT8 for me in topband or 6m, in fact in all bands, Hi! Exception made for the 60m band (5 MHz), but if the station shows up in CW I would rather work it CW than in FT8. I'm an IT guy, but this is a hobby and I want radio no computer's when working DX. I do work RTTY and PSK, there's still s

Topband: K1N 5000q's on 160

2015-02-15 Thread José E . Ribeiro de
Excellent indeed, made my topband QSO with K1N in the first couple of days of operation :) Just wished VU4KV and EP6T did like this, but they haven't dedicated to topband that much, maybe next time. 73 Jose CT1EEB - Original Message - From: "Herbert Schoenbohm" To: "TopBand Lis

Re: Topband: CS2C

2014-01-27 Thread José E . Ribeiro de
CS2C is in zone 14 and in Europe allright. He is Portugal CT1, that's a special contest callsign for Portugal. 73 José CT1EEB - Original Message - From: "Mike Waters" To: "topband" Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 3:40 PM Subject: Topband: CS2C Anyone know exactly where CS2C was