I was on, but traded a good antenna and 5w for a lousy antenna and 100w.  So
couldn't work any dx.  Had to go to bed early too because of a road trip today. 

Thanks to all who got on, it was fun since it was my first 160 test with the k3.
 My k2 is lonely now.

Pat N8VW

On Mon, 23 Jun 2014 01:59:29 +0400 ALEXEY OGORODOV <ua4...@mail.ru> wrote

> Folks,
> I think it's a normal occurance - sometimes we hear, sometimes we don't. The
> whole magic of radio is in it otherwise we would've stuck to landlines and
> cellphones. Summer condition was at its best with the Down South people
> hearing and sometimes working those Up North, the "local" North -  South (US
> to SA and the Carribean, EU to AF - not sure if happened this time though),
> and us, at equator, picking up crumbs from everybody's feast. LOL. Only 15
> q's here. I didn't spend much time calling CQ, mostly scanning the band for
> new calls. The Band was open right from my SS. KV4FZ was the first to hear
> me. VE3TA was light at first but managed to copy me puny sigs easily. A
> surprise was to hear Kevin, W1AW/KL7 calling CQ with s9+5 and a few callers.
> Uncle Herb, KV4FZ was LOUD all the way through the event (called him by
> accident with 20 watts - he replied at once), Brother Eric, NO3M was there as
> well from SS to SR anything from s4 to s9+5. Tio Bolmar, HK1MW showed up
> around his SR and made a few happy. Remarkable signal from N7GP but it took
> three 5 minutes attempts to log him. I understand - QRN and stuff. Around my
> SR Great Lakes blasted through - Pete, N0FW, and George W8UVZ. George you
> were louder ))). No Pacific, no EU heard.
> 73 Alex
> Sun, 22 Jun 2014 17:23:37 -0400 от "George" <w8...@voyager.net>:
> >I was there, gents.  Worked both of you
> >
> >73  George  W8UVZ
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Don Kirk
> >Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 5:18 PM
> >Cc: topband
> >Subject: Re: Topband: Where was everyone last night
> >
> >On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 2:41 PM, ALEXEY OGORODOV wrote:
> >> Heard but not worked: K1LT, N5IR, WD8DSB, LU5YF.
> >
> >Alex I called you a few times too, but no luck.  Only worked 26 stations
> >during the contest as lightning activity was pretty high in the US which
> >caused lots of QRN so I just kept waking up to see what I could hear and
> >only operated a total of a few hours.  Finally worked Herb (KV4FZ) after
> >calling him numerous times earlier in the event to no avail.  Thanks for
> >trying, and for all your efforts on 160 meters.
> >
> >73,
> >Don (wd8dsb)
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