Topband: Re - VK/ZLs in the CQWW CW 160?

2024-01-30 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
G'day Topbanders, Sad to say condx were abysmal, for the CQWW 160m CW contest, at least as far as VK6 to Asia and Stateside is concerned.Tree summed it up very well. I listened from 1/2 hour before my SS at 1119z and throughout Saturday evening. There were plenty of extremely weak traces on

Topband: Big Stew - A Wipe-out Down-Under

2024-01-01 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Greetings Topbanders, I'm sorry to say the Stew was just about a non-event in this part of the world. The only stateside station I heard/worked was Tree, K7RAT, within the 1st hour, when he peaked up at his SR. The following evening (VK6 time), I was set and ready to go, about 1/2 hour before

Topband: Pre-Stew/LBJ in VK6

2023-10-25 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
G'day folks, It's uncanny how often the various Stew events coincide with poor propagation and/or severe QRN. Propagation between VK6 and stateside has been very good recently, with the exception of last weekend, when it was pretty dismal. Throw in the first significant thunderstorm activity

Topband: Stew/Low Band Jack observations from down under

2022-10-25 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi Topbanders, I hope you enjoyed the Stew/LBJ contest as much as I did, despite less than stellar conditions and thanks to Tree and the Boring guys for organising the splendid event. Some observations on propagation during the Stew/LBJ from down under At the start of the contest I worked

Topband: Correction to my post "Re-Working 'long' distances on 160m (Phil Hartwell)"

2022-09-26 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi all, I'm glad to report that Greg, formerly ZL3IX is not a silent key, he now resides in ZS1 land. I confused him with someone else. Sorry for the error and thanks to Tom, G3OLB for the advise. 73, Phil VK6GX. -- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.

Topband: Re-Working 'long' distances on 160m

2022-09-26 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi fellow Top Banders, I agree with Steve's (VK6VZ) and others observations, regarding what one might consider long distances on 160m, depending on their location and antennas. As Steve says, Perth is a long way from everywhere, (great for the Stew)! At certain times of year, working east

Topband: W7LR (SK) RIP

2022-04-04 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Very sad to hear of Bob's passing. He was always one of the better signals out of Stateside and a pleasure to work. My condolences to his friends and family. 73 old friend, Phil VK6GX (ex VK6ABL). -- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. _

Topband: In defence of Mario LU8DPM

2022-02-02 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
During our southern hemisphere winter, there is a brief opportunity to work South America, which being directly over the south pole from VK6, is our ultimate challenge on 160m. I spent a couple of years trying to give Manuel, LU5OM, zone 29 on 160m, as did Steve, VK6VZ. I heard Manuel many

Topband: VL6M in the Stew Perry 160 meter test this weekend

2021-12-16 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi All, In case some haven't heard, VK hams can apply for a "2x1" contest only callsign, with the following prefixes:- VJ, VK and VL. I will be operating in the Stew as VL6M. This past week, I have resurrected my East and Northeast Beverage's, following last February's bush fire, now that

Topband: Congratulations Steve, VE6WZ on your Yasme Excellence Award

2021-10-14 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Very well deserved Steve, excellent work all round, inspirational and a great help to others. Congratulations, Phil VK6GX. -- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. _ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: RFI Down Under

2020-11-22 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
G'day All, Several months ago I purchased a custom built PC for my shack, from a long established local dealer, as I had used them many times before. I had been prepared to build it myself, but upon investigation I found that the dealer could build it cheaper than I could, plus load and test

Topband: Stew - Low Band Jack in VK6

2020-10-19 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi Guys, The last few weeks have seen some good openings to stateside from VK6 and some very strong signals, on a relatively quiet band, so I was looking forward to the Stew, however, the first serious thunderstorm activity of our approaching summer, picked the Stew weekend to fire up and

Topband: Northern Summer Stew

2020-06-22 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi All, Like Luke VK3HJ, I only managed to work one stateside station, K7RAT and that was a battle due to the northern hemisphere QRN that Don, WD8DSB mentioned is a great impediment and deterrent to many. I noted particularly intense thunderstorm activity north of Fort Worth, TX and I

Topband: VK6-Stateside LP today

2019-02-05 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
G'day All, Good propagation two days running to W1 land on the long path and to EU. I worked K1KI, K1CP and K1WHS between 12 and 24 minutes past my SR (2142z) today, on 1822.5kHz and I'm pretty sure there was at least another W amongst the EU's I was also hearing. Some southern summer QRN

Topband: W1AW 1802.5kHz LP

2019-02-04 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi Guys, I was copying W1AW on 1802.5kHz on the long path at my SR (2141z) today. I have worked VE1 and W1 many times LP, but never heard W1AW on 160m before, possibly because of their schedule not coinciding with my SR. It was audible until 2220z. I will be QRV on 1822.5kHz at my SR tomorrow

Topband: Re VE1ZZ (SK) and LA3XI (SK)

2018-10-20 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi Folks, What a sad weekend, first we lost Jack, VE1ZZ and now I hear that Svein, LA3XI has also passed on. Both were often the only signals I could hear from their respective parts of the world on 160m, both outstanding signals and both had excellent ears. Lets honour these two fine

Topband: VE1ZZ (SK)

2018-10-19 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi All, Very sad to hear of Jack's passing, my condolences to his friends and family. I had the pleasure of working him many times on top band, both short and long path, sometimes on the same day. Thanks to Jeff VY2ZM and Mike VE9AA, for their reminiscences and description of his superb

Topband: Crepuscular Operators

2016-12-19 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi Topbanders, I have just experienced my first Stew in the northern hemisphere as G3YC, operating in the S/O, low power, pathetic antenna category. A memorable experience, and I now appreciate even more the need for a good RX front end. Whilst researching a rare bird for my mother, I came

Topband: Southern Hemisphere Autumn Stew

2016-03-19 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Hi Folks, Thanks to the guys at Boring ARC for providing us with yet another Stew event, I hope this one becomes a permanent fixture. Conditions were very poor from this isolated part of the planet and late summer QRN made it tough going. No EU contacts, I only heard a few weak Russian

Topband: Summer Stew

2015-06-21 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Propagation let us down over the weekend, I only heard one northern hemisphere station the entire weekend on Top Band, N6RK, who was very weak, operating in the AA contest on Saturday evening VK6 time. As a result, I only worked one station in the Summer Stew, VK3IO. On a more encouraging note,

Topband: Summer Stew

2015-06-16 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
G'Day Topbanders, There is propagation between the hemispheres for those willing to battle the QRN during the northern summer, just as we do down-under, during our summer. We hope to hear a few northerners, who don't mind doing it tough, during the Summer Stew this weekend. See

Topband: Pre-Stew

2014-10-21 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
G'day All, I was planing to participate in the Stew, unfortunately severe thunderstorm activity in VK6 made it impossible to hear any DX. I will be there for the Big Stew, QRN permitting. 73, Phil VK6GX. _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: VE7BS SK

2014-07-27 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
I'm very sad to hear of the passing of yet another great operator. Bob had extremely good ears on Top Band. In August 1988, when I was in the process of selling my previous home in the northern suburbs of Perth, I had taken down all my antennas, but after a few weeks of radio deprivation, I

Topband: VK3ZL SK

2014-07-08 Thread Phil Hartwell via Topband
Very sad to hear of Bob's passing. Apart from being a great bloke and 160m operator, he was a master linear amp constructor and frequently sent me pictures of his latest projects, a true craftsman. I am lucky to have one of his custom built 160m GS-35B units. That little 42 foot vertical of