Re: Topband: Relay bounce

2022-02-22 Thread Wayne Kline
Steve, My frist thought is to clean the contacts ( there open frame relays) For changing the relays Direct replacement difficult . The Co that makes them produces them in limited runs for Amerirtron GL Wayne ,W3EA Sent from Mail for

Re: Topband: Top Ten Band Decoder Cable for Icom

2021-12-29 Thread Wayne Kline
David, After the sale of Top-Ten to DX Eng. The two owners were W2VJN and N3RD in the manual it gives pin out to the DB25 jacks’ should be easy to make BTDT The Icom radios are just a two wire Band Data with the 7300 in it’s 13 pin conector and the other in the 1/8 conector Wayn

Re: Topband: Elevated radial number vs efficiency

2021-01-01 Thread Wayne Kline
My experience was not on top band BUT on a 80 meter 4 sq. initially I installed 4 gullwing elevated tuned radials for each of the 4 elements. The array played will but over time it became quit clear on wet rain or even dew conditions the array played much better in transmit and not as much ob

Re: Topband: Satisfactory fiberglass pole for K9AY loop

2019-02-20 Thread Wayne Kline
Watching this thread and agree the push up fiberglass tubes are satisfactory. But being a scronger And most two way RF based comunacation are a like Dodo birds I scored a broken RF wise Motorla Station master. And a set of mounts….FREE for the asking . 24 ft. long , I had to remove th

Re: Topband: 4.3 -10 Re: Rather use N-type (was Re: The answer to PL-259

2018-12-10 Thread Wayne Kline
John, I am not famillar with the 4.3-10 jacks so my response me not be on target. I only use RG 400 inside my shack or outside in WX proof boxed as inerr jumpers I use ones from on FleaBay from China 10 pc PL259 mail for 11.95 free shipping crimp/solder and use heat shrink fo

Re: Topband: tennis ball launcher for antennas

2018-11-28 Thread Wayne Kline
Terry. I never used one of those pneumatic air launchers….. following your link looks like a great option. In the past I have used a bow and arrow wit the bow having a Zebco spin cat real attached. But was limited because I have a 1000 ft road frontage tree line and arrows descending ca

Re: Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square

2018-10-11 Thread Wayne Kline
Terry, I assume you only installed ONE sloper and made your measurements ? With all 4 installed there is way to much mutual coupling to get a meaningful reading. If your readings were from only ONE antenna tuned with a length of 50 OHM cable at it’s feed point and trimmed to your d

Re: Topband: VK0EK Operation

2016-03-29 Thread Wayne Kline
Jim, 80 was FB nothing covering up the VK0 from EPA.. pile up was the usual Keep Calling no mater what but his FREQ was OK Not a peep out of him on low band the split was a roar but No VK0 :( in EPA Wayne W3EA > To:; > From: rich..

Re: Topband: K5P good job !

2016-01-20 Thread Wayne Kline
I finally bite and responded... My .02 ... IMO and we all have one and they all don't agree and things start spiraling out of control FAST IT's one thing to state an Opinion but if the Opinion takes on a tone of personal attacks ... HU Have no place on a message b

Re: Topband: Weatherproofing F-type connectors

2015-12-15 Thread Wayne Kline
Hi Larry Asked my local cable guy the same question. Being a belt and suspenders type I though I should... He replied " Wayne I have 1000's of these Blue ended AMP connectors in my area .. other then being ripped out and @ Frequencies FAR above what you playing at " SO my beverage

Re: Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests

2015-03-15 Thread Wayne Kline
W2GD's so eloquently expressed his feelings and I am 100% in agreement with him on this issue. Ever since John AA1K gave a program at an FRC meeting in the early 80's I have been tweeking my battle with SN/ratio's and man made nose. hours and hours, beverages, bogs K9AY and 4 sq r

Re: Topband: The "Future" Of Ham Radio

2015-02-05 Thread Wayne Kline
Makes you wonder ! I see it all the time.. There WIN 7 light speed machine with 32 GB Ram and QUADSSD's in Raid takes 40 sec to flash screen Gosh I still remember to the frustration of a transceiver with limited "Clarifier" and the joys of Split RX and TX boxes. during t

Re: Topband: NE7D loaded tower

2015-01-29 Thread Wayne Kline
I can't speak with knowledge on stepper antennas. BUT I can regarding a Hi Gain discovery III I shunt feed my 105 ft. Rohn 25 with only the 3 element 40 meter beam as the top loading. More then once I burned a loading wire over the years I had that configuration. SO from that e

Re: Topband: WTB: Guy wire stuff

2014-09-06 Thread Wayne Kline
Hi Carl Yes it seems that we stumbles across the same Crew :) . No not really but the same experience. The " Strand" what they called it ran from pole to pole or was used as down guy pole wires when the ENG. required it for the extra pole line capacity. Because I was br

Re: Topband: WTB: Guy wire stuff

2014-09-05 Thread Wayne Kline
> The real danger is in doing things seriously wrong, like putting the loop > over something with inadequate radius. I've seen some pretty poor > installations. Some installers slip the loop over the tower leg, or worse > yet, over the leg plus a brace rod end. The rod puts a real sharp bump

Re: Topband: WTB: Guy wire stuff

2014-09-05 Thread Wayne Kline
Just my .02 Some call them Tomatoes some call them Tomottos but even those fruits come in different size and texture . When I built my station @ this QTH 4 guyed towers with broken up guys 502 insulators and a PRE Formed guy Fasteners . A fellow FRC member had a source fo

Re: Topband: FT5ZM

2014-02-04 Thread Wayne Kline
Sorry to say no luck in EPA. One positive note, I get to clean up paperwork ; ) Wayne W3EA Sent from my iPad On Feb 4, 2014, at 10:00 AM, "Garry Shapiro" wrote: > I just worked him at 1455. He popped up to copiable and a minute later was in > the log. I am a happy boy. Still there, sti

Re: Topband: Speking of Hardline

2014-01-30 Thread Wayne Kline
Good suggestion Ray. When I moved to this QTH was TIGHT... I went to the local Cable Co. and spoke to the line Boss. He gave me all the cable ends I wanted I originally feed my 4 towers with 3/4" 75 ohm Catty hardline. Give'em a try . Wayne W3EA PS I also had permission to cl

Re: Topband: Fw: Tree Conductivity

2013-08-09 Thread Wayne Kline
Yes that's a good IDIA but my main concern will be " How do I find True SOUTH " Wayne w3EA > Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 09:21:45 -0700 > From: > To: > Subject: Topband: Fw: Tree Conductivity > > I guess then I will have to reposition my plastic owl to face t

Topband: 160 Stub

2013-02-12 Thread Wayne Kline
Hello... B-4 the upcoming contest weekend. I need to make a 1/4 wave shorted stub for my 160 station. Other then RG8 or RG11 can you use RG6 ? Wayne, W3EA _ Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: 3Y0IOF

2012-12-05 Thread Wayne Kline
Sorry Gary Well documented in there announcement.. We only accept " Western-Union" money order SRI Wayne, W3EA > From: > To: > Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 22:08:58 -0500 > Subject: Re: Topband: 3Y0IOF > > I'm in as well. Do you take CC or PayPal? >

Re: Topband: 3Y0IOF

2012-12-05 Thread Wayne Kline
Bob What's the specific criteria regarding " senior Ham discount" I am 64 but my birthday is around the planned trip. Should I hold off making my contacts till after my Birthday ? or are they considering qualification is Colander month ? or year ? and as for LOTA... being on a fixed income


2012-12-04 Thread Wayne Kline
WOW .. your announcement made my Day... Reallythis will be the model all future , ALL FUTURE Dxpeditions will emulate, :/ Wayne W3EA > > From: > > To: > > Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 13:26:49 -1000 > > Subject: Re: Topband: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Re: Topband: k9ay Loop relay box?

2012-02-14 Thread Wayne Kline
I have built the K9AY kit from Far circuits therer is also a write up on the kit Freank K7SFN Comes wit hjust he Boards or compleat kit Wayne W3EA > From: > To:; > Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 20:44:54 -050

Re: Topband: Interference on 160

2012-01-21 Thread Wayne Kline
This phenomenon not a new one. with the advent of DX clusters and Telnet spotting networks. IMHO has heightened the blind calling practice.I do believe there should be some decorum especially on the low bands where the opening can be brief, to call then listen, but that's MHO.As far as a posted

Re: Topband: Balun Design FCP XFMR Broken Link Repaired.

2011-12-15 Thread Wayne Kline
Nope Still Broke Wayne W3EA > From: > To: > Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 16:47:42 -0500 > Subject: Topband: Balun Design FCP XFMR Broken Link Repaired. > > > ail > > > > The link i

Re: Topband: motorized matching caps

2011-12-15 Thread Wayne Kline
Who say's Ham radio is DEAD ? The fiddling ,building, Experimenting IMO is a big part of Amateur Radio. In today's throw away society , it's a bigger challenge to explore or tweak a unit or a system That's why antennas are so intriguing , because no two installs are exactly the same. You

Re: Topband: Switching Beverages

2011-02-03 Thread Wayne Kline
To add to Carl's info I just finished building a K9AY array system and used Mouser # 8L01-12-101 you can also use there 8L01-12-001 or 8L01-12-101 Wayne W3EA > From: > To:; > Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 19:09:14 -0500 > Subjec

Topband: K9AY feed line

2011-02-01 Thread Wayne Kline
Hello Top Bands Got a question for you regarding the K9RA switchable array. I would like to fed it with Flooded RG6 would this be a problem over 8x or RG58 I assume not 50 ohm designed 9:1 out put transformer @ 50 ohm impedance , there would not be a big loss in the low level signa