CQ WW DX CW, listening to ZD8W on the back side of my un-terminated short
beverage at his sunrise.

I can hear him 539, but he is not responding to my calls.  I heard him work
several W6, N4, then a KH6.  Wow, that's some propagation going on!  Maybe I
just need better xmit antenna.  Not sure why I was unable to work him.  I
worked C5 earlier in the evening on 160, booming signal.

I was not the only one failing to get through.  Heard K1, W5 also try
without success.  I do have structures in  that direction, many houses
aligned along the street.  Unlike other directions.

Well, 160 may be much more challenging than other bands.but nobody promised
it would be easy.  Always room for improvement.

BTW, thanks to all who offered guidance earlier on my receive antenna
situation (earlier thread this week).  I finally put up a 360 foot bev along
property line (320/140) that appears to work well (limited testing so far);
allowed me to copy JA on 40 while significantly reducing EU signals.  Also
seemed to reduce noise on 80 and 160 for Africa work.  I will also try a
small receiving loop for the upcoming 160 contest.

Mark Lunday

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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