>Which does "radiolocation" mean?  Radar or loran/GPS/etc. or both?

>Not obvious.

>Rick N6RK

LORAN was a system of radionavigation, not radiolocation. Not the same thing. 
Radionavigation is just what it says, a system used to help navigate a moving 
ship, plane or land vehicle. It was a useful tool for ships trying to navigate 
through unfamiliar waterways.

Radiolocation uses single a beacon, transmitting from a fixed point to help 
ships, planes or other vehicles arrive at a destination. The 160m radiolocation 
beacons were widely used to enable ships and planes to find oil rigs in the 
Gulf of Mexico.

GPS has pretty much rendered both systems obsolete. It's a lot cheaper and 
easier to use a small handheld or dash-mounted device, linked via satellites, 
than to build, operate and maintain a high power MF transmitter and large 
antenna  system similar to that used by an AM broadcast station.

Don k4kyv

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