I have the SS Line Launcher, which uses .22 blanks and can shoot its 
custom-shaped projectile a VERY long distance.  I agree with the previously 
posted tip of spreading a plastic tarp so that shot line can feed out with 
minimal chance of snagging or forming tension knots on itself.  I also like the 
trick of figure-8 coiling of shot line, a smart idea.  I use a large cardboard 
box to contain my free line—putting that box on ground about 3 feet in front of 

I have used my Line Launcher in Vermont to put lines easily over 100-foot tall 
trees and place suspension ropes for large horizontal wire loops.  A serious 
piece of advice if you use the Line Launcher: Wear Good Ear Protection—the 
report is very loud. Second piece of advice: Wear Eye Protection at all times.  

This is no toy, but a truly dangerous weapon just as soon as the projectile has 
been lowered into the barrel. The gun must be treated with great respect and 
disciplined moves. The bad mental trap here to consciously avoid is dropping 
your guard because your brain is telling you, “It’s only using blanks”.

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