Re: [topbraid-users] how to call a web service from a TopBraid SparqlMotion script?

2014-05-22 Thread Holger Knublauch
Yes and as the final straw, TopBraid provides Java API extension points that allow customers to add new SPARQL functions or SPARQLMotion modules. Those should only be seen as the last resort though if the built-in mechanisms fail. Holger On 5/23/2014 9:27, Scott Henninger wrote: Nicolae; Ye

Re: [topbraid-users] how to call a web service from a TopBraid SparqlMotion script?

2014-05-22 Thread Scott Henninger
Nicolae;  Yes, there is a set of SPARQLMotion functions for importing from a URL.  There is also a sml:PostRequest function.  For more on these open the Help Contents in TopBraid Composer-ME, and under Reference open the SPARQLMotion Module Library Reference section.

[topbraid-users] how to call a web service from a TopBraid SparqlMotion script?

2014-05-22 Thread Nicolae Marasoiu
Hi, I need to use a SOAP integration from a SparqlMotion function. Can you please suggest how to do it? I heard about an ImportXMLFromURL, is this one way? Where can I find details about them, code snippets, documentation and philosophy underneath? Is it possible to make it work in Java and