Due to the US Daylight Savings Time changes generating new conflicts for
a few people, the Tor Browser team's weekly IRC meeting will now be on
Fridays at 18:00 UTC in #tor-dev on irc.oftc.net, starting this Friday,
March 21st.

We will be snuggling up next to the Huggable^W Pluggable Transports team
meeting, which is just before us at 17:00 UTC on alternating Fridays.
Their next meeting is March 28th.

The hope is that this will help us to work closer with them to polish up
the new unified PT-enabled Tor Browser, add new transport types, and
otherwise generate PLUR (yeah, I said it).

For details on our meeting format, see the original post:

P.S. We may have to revisit this time again when the EU switches to
"Summer Time" on March 30th. Running an hour later in the EU may start
to run into people's Friday evening plans, but we'll cross that bridge
once it starts burning.

Mike Perry

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