
On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 08:42:44PM -0500, Libertas wrote:
> True, and thanks for the examples. I think the daemons are probably a
> better move for those who aren't firewall veterans, as everyone else
> would probably be copy-and-pasting firewall configs like the ones you
> gave and praying that they worked. The daemons probably also have more
> nuanced and flexible policies.
yeah you're right about that. But when it comes to security, you should but
in the extra effort :-). And I didn't want to say, don't use these daemons.
I'm just saying if you have trouble or want a solution without any extra
software, the firewalls can do this.

> You also reminded me of a big factor I forgot to mention in the doc:
> firewalls.
Hehe no problem. 

Thx for putting up with the effort to create such a doc.

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