
I would like to operate an IPv6 only exit node. I.e. it's fine if tor relays through IPv4, but I want exiting traffic only through IPv6 (because I don't want my (only) IPv4 to be blocked, abused and such).

The way I thought this would work is with the ExitPolicy set as below. But atlas says my IPv6 Exit Policy Summary would be "ExitPolicy reject *:*".

Now I'm wondering if my ExitPolicy is wrong defined or if that's a bug of some kind.

I'm running Tor v0.2.7.5 (git-6184c873e90d93b2) on Linux with Libevent 2.0.21-stable, OpenSSL 1.0.1k and Zlib 1.2.8.

# No IPv4 exit, no exit to my own subnet, no exit to private network, no exit to link local
ExitPolicy reject6 [2A02:168:4A06::]/42:*  # Block my subnet
ExitPolicy reject6 [FC00::]/7:*            # Block private IPv6
ExitPolicy reject6 [FE80::]/10:*           # Block link-local IPv6
ExitPolicy reject6 [2002::]/16:*           # Block 6to4 addresses
ExitPolicy reject6 *:25                    # SMTP
ExitPolicy reject6 *:119                   # NNTP
ExitPolicy reject6 *:135-139               # NetBIOS
ExitPolicy reject6 *:445                   # Microsoft AD
ExitPolicy reject6 *:563                   # NNTP over TLS
ExitPolicy reject6 *:1214                  # Kazaa
ExitPolicy reject6 *:4661-4666             # ?
ExitPolicy reject6 *:6346-6429             # Gnutella
ExitPolicy reject6 *:6699                  # WinMX
ExitPolicy reject6 *:6881-6999             # BitTorrent
ExitPolicy accept6 *:*                     # All else
ExitPolicy reject private:*                # Block private IPv4
ExitPolicy reject *:*                      # Block all IPv4

## If set, and we are an exit node, allow client to use us for IPv6 traffic
IPv6Exit 1

tor.x2a.ch | https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/6FAAD7CC7EBB008AEF2E5AE1BB9082CD8BD60648
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