
> On Jun 19, 2019, at 11:34 AM, teor <t...@riseup.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 19 Jun 2019, at 06:36, ILikeTor <ilike...@cock.li> wrote:
>> I have set up a relay about 3 days ago now. I am hosting my relay at a
>> German hosting provider called "contabo", but the relay search of
>> Tor Metrics tells me that the relay is based in the United States and
>> that the AS number and name are unknown. Does someone know what I could
>> do to fix this?
>> Link:
>> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/53E89AD9B9320749F04DCA757F1C4DACE66205B9
> GeoIP databases are never 100% accurate, particularly for servers.
> Onionoo uses MaxMind's database.
> I tried putting your IPv4 and IPv6 into their demo, and it said contabo in 
> Germany.
> https://www.maxmind.com/en/geoip-demo
> Maybe the GeoIP for these addresses was changed recently?
> Maybe Onionoo takes a while to update the GeoIP for new addresses?

Thats exactly it. As you can see at 
  the adresses where transferred from arin to ripe some time ago (last 

I do not know onionoo, but but my local whois from a debian machine also stil 
probes the arin database and times out.
You could contact contabo for that, maybe they are interested in correcting 
> T
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