
My tor exit has been building up reputation for months but still fails to
saturate a 100 Mbps line while barely using any CPU. Therefore, I recently
decided to start a second tor process on the same server which is now
slowly building up reputation. I gave the second process a different
ORport in order not to affect the first process.

Should that not be enough to saturate the line, I might even have to add a
third process at yet other ports. I wondered whether the following is also

1. Run tor process #1 on ORPort 8000, but advertise port 443
2. Run tor process #2 on ORPort 8001, but advertise port 443
3. Run tor process #3 on ORPort 8002, but advertise port 443
3. Run HAProxy on port 443; load-balancing between the three tor processes

Obviously, this would require HAProxy to always route a circuit to the
same tor process, since that tor process keeps track of the state of that
specific circuit. Source IP stickiness ("balance source; hash-type
consistent") would do that.

Would such a setup work?


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