[tor-talk] Poetic justice

2016-06-10 Thread aaa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWdL1g3xRHY Do you think that smug asshole still agrees with censorship and lynch mobbing now that he's the target of them? https://xkcd.com/1357/ Do you still think he agrees with this comic now that he's the one who's been turned into a pariah for daring to

[tor-talk] The EU does it again

2016-06-08 Thread aaa
EU Exploring Idea of Using Government ID Cards As Mandatory Online Logins https://news.slashdot.org/story/16/06/08/2139254/eu-exploring-idea-of-using-government-id-cards-as-mandatory-online-logins Currently laughing my ass off at all those privacy advocates who went to go live in Germany

[tor-talk] RIP Tor

2016-06-07 Thread aaa
First they fall for the social justice meme thinking it's a force for good. Then they allow the project to be infiltrated by the blue haired problem glasses brigade. Then they start modifying their community guidelines to appease their new members, probably under the guise that it's to prevent