I've been working on some theories I have in regards to isolating traffic to 
particular regions using only partial views.  It should be possible to capture 
timing information based upon requests made by a logged on user to a website or 
hidden service (such as requests for js, or css files).

>From this a metric can be calculated that indicates a "timing profile" for 
>that particular user.  If we have information gathered from machines we 
>control (i.e. we own them, or part of a botnet) that provides metrics of 
>timing information of circuits from machines located in particular areas, we 
>can then compare this against the "timing profile" for our logged on user.

This would provide us with a general location of a user with a certain degree 
of probability.

Two major aspects control the resolution:

1.  The size and density of a given botnet.
2.  The number of timing profiles obtained.

We could also change the geographic location of the hidden service 
periodically, to increase the resolution further.  This is a highly cost 
effective attack against TOR and does not require the resources of a government 
to conduct either.

Has anyone else investigated this approach?  If so, what were your results?


Mark McCarron                                     
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