Often sites I try to access w/ TBB time out almost instantly, where in Fx (23) same page, at same time - loads OK. The pages aren't "Tor aphobics" - as they will sometimes load in TBB. Part could be THE IP address being used in TBB, to access a page, at specific time. Some IPs could be on a / their black lists.

I'm not sure when using Tor proxy, the about:config *"network.http.proxy.keep-alive"* applies in TBB, but it's not present in TBB, by default.

But it's in Fx. 1st, in Fx for the similar *network.http.keep-alive.timeout* to work, *network.http.keep-alive* must be true.

In TBB, there's no *network.http.keep-alive* entry (or "...proxy.keep-alive", if it exists) and no *"network.http.proxy.keep-alive."*

I'm guessing? this results in sometimes almost instantaneous timeouts? In some cases, could be the sites timing out Tor Network connections or specific IPs from Tor?

May be coincidence - not tested it extensively, but when I add "network.http.proxy.keep-alive" entry & set True - in TBB, same few pages I have problems loading in TBB, seem to load more consistently and / or faster. This is w/ limited testing.

Anyone have insight on this topic?
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