
I'm getting an assert in CCacheLogQuery::GetCache(). I believe it is 

- Disable log caching in the TortoiseSVN settings
- Setup two projects to monitor, one functional 
(eg https://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/tortoisesvn/) and one where you don't have 
access (I'm using https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/pmc/)
- Start Project Monitor
- Click on the functional project, then on the non-functional project, then 
on the functional project again. The assert in GetCache() triggers.

I don't fully understand how the logcache works, but it seems the cache 
variable is not initialized with log caching turned off (which sounds 
reasonable!), however there should be no calls to the logcache objects. Or 
they should handle a NULL cache properly.


Kind regards,

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