Re: Automated retrieval of SVN comments for documentation purpose

2023-05-16 Thread Daniel Sahlberg via TortoiseSVN-dev
onsdag 17 maj 2023 kl. 07:00:07 UTC+2 skrev Hello Tortoise Dev Team, We in our team wanted to create a documentation based on the comments that the members of the development team give each time they commit a code change to SVN. Currently, we have set a standard format on

Automated retrieval of SVN comments for documentation purpose

2023-05-16 Thread TortoiseSVN-dev
Hello Tortoise Dev Team, We in our team wanted to create a documentation based on the comments that the members of the development team give each time they commit a code change to SVN. Currently, we have set a standard format on how the development team should put their comments into SVN upon com