I really need some help with this...

My understanding is as follows:
CRepositoryInfo::CData::AutoInsert() is called to find/add an 
SPerRepositoryInfo() object (basically a {uuid, root} tuple) to data (and 
urlIndex, uuidIndex, fullIndex). 
It will first call CRepositoryInfo::CData::Lookup() to see if there already 
exists an object with the key {uuid, root} by searching fullIndex (and 
possibly uuidIndex, urlIndex, depending on the AllowAmbiguousUUID and 
AllowAmbiguousURL settings). If it finds something it will return a 
pointer, otherwise nullptr.
If Lookup() returns a nullptr, CRepositoryInfo::CData::Add() is called to 
create a new SPerRepositoryInfo and to add it to data (and urlIndex, 
uuidIndex, fullIndex).
However Add() will "avoid duplicate entries" by searching data 
with std::ranges::find_if() and checking for equality using 
SPerRepositoryInfo::operator==(). If it finds a duplicate, it will not add 
anything to the data/indicies.
AutoInsert() will then try the Lookup() again to find the newly added 
object and assumes success since the object was just Add()ed.

Only in my test case the object was NOT added by Add(), since Add() hits 
line 176 and returns "to avoid duplicate entries".

I believe there is a difference between the code in Lookup() (using 
fullIndex.find(std::make_pair(uuid, root))) and the code in Add() 
(using std::ranges::find_if(data, [&](auto* i) { return (*i) == info; }) 
where the code in Lookup() fail to find an object that is later found by 

However I'm not clever enough to figure out what the difference is. I was 
first suspecting that SPerRepositoryInfo::operator==() was too sensitive, 
but I figure if that was the case objects would be added even though they 
are "duplicate".

I'm currently leaning towards changing CRepositoryInfo::CData::Add(const 
SPerRepositoryInfo& info) to return a pointer to the newInfo object, to let 
AutoInsert return this instead of doing another Lookup(), but I feel this 
would only plaster over the difference between the code in Lookup() and 

I'm also considering reverting r29558 (which added the "avoid duplicate 
entries" in Add()) but I'm assuming it was added for good reasons.

Kind regards,

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