Hi TortoiseSVN Devs

I noticed that the TSVN releases are announced on the website according to 
a different versioning scheme than i have in the download and also in 

On the website on the newest Version i have:
1.14.5 (Major.Minor.Patch?)

On the download i get: (Major.Minor.Patch.Build?)

After installation in the Registry (DisplayVersion):
1.14.29465 (Major.Minor.Build?)

Since I would like to make TortoiseSVN available on the company portal (via 
Intune), I have to be careful with the version numbers and detection rules, 
otherwise I will have problems when a new version is released and I want to 
supersede the previous one.

So my question would be whether i can rely (at least in the registry) that 
also in future releases the same "Scheme" is used (like 1.14.29465) or if 
that might change. 

Kind regards,

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