I did have the firmware up to date. I am pretty sure the problem had to
do with the multiple instances of the squeezebox server running on my
server machine. However, I couldnt figure out what was causing it so I
reinstalled the squeezebox server and now things seem to be running
smoothly. I think
Tex wrote:
> Did you update the firmware on the Touch when you went to LMS 7.8?
> I had a little trouble with mine but as soon as i was able to update the
> firmware everything was fine.
I am not sure if I did that. Do you know how I can check if the firmware
is up to date?
However, after inve
Hmm, it seems that my other player (the raspberry one) is also not doing
to well.
Guut_Boy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62318
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=10
Lately I have been having very strange problems with my Touch. It is
almost at the point where it is not usable anymore.
Much of the time it will not connect to my server and when it does it
will not play music (I can pick a track to play, and the display will
show as if the song is playing, but
I had this problem when I was using logitechs plugin. I noticed that if
you search for an, say, an album, you often get the same album several
times. These seem to correspond to different areas of publication. So if
you just try all of them you should be able to find the one for your
area. Only pr