I'm new to the Squeezebox Touch and love it so far, I've ripped many
CD's so far but being a listener of Classical as well as Rock, Jazz,
... I chose to enable the "Composer, Conductor, and Band/Orchestra in
Artists" options so I can use that data in the search when selecting
music.  But unfortunately what this has created for me is to confuse
the "true" Artist performing the music.  E.g.  the Sign Language track
on the Eric Clapton No Reason to Cry CD is Clapton performing A Bob
Dylan song.  When I select Bob Dylan as the Artist, this track comes up
as well when in fact what I'm hoping to create a play list of is all Bob
Dylan performed albums/tracks.

So my question is simply is there a way to add Composer, Conductor,
Band/Orchestra as seperate searchable selections within the Touch menu
so that this doesn't happen and thus can as an example allow us to
easily search for all Bob Dylan songs that were performed by anyone
independently from the Bob Dylan songs performed only by Bob Dylan?

Thanks in advance.


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