Hello all,

I am new to the world of Trac and have searched these forums and
online for an answer but I have yet to be able to find something that
makes sense.

I am planning on using Trac on a standalone server in Windows XP
(tracd). I have gotten everything installed correctly but I'm stuck on
authenticating Trac and adding users. I used the tutorial that is
online but it's rather jumbled and the documentation is not very good
in my opinon.

I was wondering if someone could help me and explain how you may have
gone about the authentication process and what you did it in (ie.
python, apache, cmd prompt, etc.). I fiddled around with the different
bits of code but the confusing documentation with little explanation
threw me for a loop. If there is anyone who can help or who can point
me in the direction of a post I may have missed or a website I have
yet to find that would be great! Thanks a lot and happy coding!

- Amante

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