William Yardley wrote:
> Our trac install started barfing with the following error at the end:
> Command failed: (1062, "Duplicate 
> entry'32013-branches/RC/RC20061115/pricegrabber.com/doc-root/ipod-D' for key 
> 1")
> (didn't save the full traceback; sorry).
> running a trac-admin resync spits out the same error. After running the
> resync, the sources are once again browsable, but each time the resync
> is run, the error above is still spit out.
> Any idea what's causing this, and any idea which database tables to look
> at for where that duplicate key is?
> Trac v 0.10 using MySQL db on RHEL 5 beta.

This is a known issue with MySQL due to their limitations on the length
of primary keys.

See http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/3676 for discussion.  There's also
a SQL query for altering the primary key which may help until a fix has
been released.

-- Matt Good

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