New submission from Chris Jerdonek:

This issue is to add "IRC Handle" to the list of editable user details as was 
discussed on python-dev in a thread starting here:

Nick suggested the specific idea to do this on Roundup.

Once this is done, I feel that IRC Handle should be added as a displayed column 
in both the "User List" and "Committer List" pages.  (By the nature of how IRC 
is used, the IRC handle field is much more useful if one could see the handles 
of a list of users at once.)

On a related note, would there be a way from the UI to display only those users 
with an IRC handle (e.g. by doing a certain type of search), so that one could 
see more easily the IRC handles of non-core developers?  Or would that need to 
be added?

messages: 2591
nosy: chris.jerdonek
priority: feature
status: unread
title: Add "IRC Handle" to user details

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