On Mon, 01 Mar 2010 12:04:14 +0800
Bernard Chan <bern...@goanimate.com> wrote:

> Hi Alaa,
> Thanks for your ideas about trying mod_wsgi daemon mode. The Pootle 
> server is colocated with a few resource-intensive processes for log 
> crunching that is triggered at times that I suspect is having some
> weird issues with Pootle when someone accesses it thus driving the
> memory crazy.

I'm not sure that this would drive up memory use though.

> It sounds like mod_wsgi may be along the direction I am
> seeking. As our Pootle server is only used by a small number of
> users, concurrency should not be an issue so long the memory is in
> control.
> However, I just tried and found Pootle just hung there without
> returning anything once I restarted Apache with the wsgi daemon mode
> settings change and requested the Pootle front page. Not sure if the
> settings are correct but I'm not sure how to debug though.

I just tried daemon mode and it worked fine for me. where you running
fine on mod_wsgi before switching to daemon mode?

we know older versions of xapian can cause deadlocks but pootle checks
for that and is supposed to avoid loading xapian under apache if
version is less that 1.0.13

mod_wsgi documentation mentions an obscure situation where small
default unix socket buffer size can lead to deadlocks. check the
receive-buffer-size and send-buffer-size options mentioned in
maybe that's the problem you are facing?

I remember you had weird deadlocks before and I sent you a recipe for
logging all function calls until the deadlock, you can use the same
recipe to debug.


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