Luckly I found this: (this is the
Global Menu), but I don't know how to install this, can you help me?
The same with the GPU driver: how I'll install that by the Live CD? The
system will not restart and I'll lose everything?
Probably a live CD.
Regarding the "global menu", I honestly don't know what that means, but you
can install Unity (Ubuntu's default DE). You could also try GNOME Shell.
Hi, folks!
I just started my Trisquel download and I would to know how is the best
manner to test without install: it's by DVD live? USB? VM?
I want to test the driver to my NVIDIA 9600GT - work with 2 monitors,
screencast performance, etc - and some Compiz effects (or alternatives), like
Thank you for invite me. I'll read more about the philosophy behind!
Unfortunatelly, I haven't the necessary knowledge to study the code line by
line, but some software "which logs the user's activities and events (files
opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) an
For anyone in doubt, here is an example of what can be done with CSS, HTML5,
Javascript, and absolutely NO Flash:
Download that zip file, extract it, and run Index.html in your browser.
Enjoy. The cool thing is that this is a game you'll actually
Someone who works on documentation should probably go ahead and make this a
"How to Get the full GNOME 3 Experience in Trisquel"
I think this move on the part of some corporate big players (including, most
scandalously of all, the sometimes FOSS-friendly Google) is a travesty. This
couldn't be more antithetical to the spirit of the Web.
Someone on some comment board said it well: putting DRM in HTML5 is the
surest wa
You thought you have been in the "Linux World" for six months. You have
actually been in the "*GNU*/Linux world". I invite to learn more about the
philosophy behind the free software movement. A philosophy strongly defended
by GNU. Not much (or at all) by Linux.
As for Zeitgeist, it is a *f
> 1: Cam to Cam chat. Flash has the ability to do online chatting with
> people; audio and video. I have yet to see a Flash Alternative that
can also
> interact with these sites. Could something like this be built with
> Software Java?
Look at WebRTC for just one example. The better
This is the thread where I speak with myself, so please indulge me one last
time lol :). Well I sure hope it is the last time!
I *may* have found the fix! I was finally able to transfer some large
directories with samba over my wireless connection.
Here's what I did:
1. Disable ipv6 in /
First, obviously, Flash in Proprietary and should be avoided.
However, there really is no apt Free-Software Alternative for all the
functions of Flash.
The problem is that the Free Software Flash Replacements typically only view
Flash as a tool for playing videos. While this is probably wh
Saludos libres,
Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en conjunto con el resto de socios)
Asociación de Software Libre del Ecuador - ASLE
Av de la Prensa N58-219 y Cristóbal Vaca de Castro
Quito, Ecuador
(02)-600 8579
09-845 8078
You could disable the plugin in the addons manager, or remove
browser-plugin-gnash. Youtube, for instance, will nag you about having
done this, but you can still visit the site.
El 27/03/13 15:51, escribió:
> I was wondering if there are many Trisquel users that work in biology?
> Thoughts anyone?
Trisquel Start menu -> Add and Remove Applications -> Science
Saludos libres,
Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en conjunto con el resto de soci
how do I get abrowser to not to atempt to load flash?
thank you!
The problem is still there :(. I just tried to transfer a 136 Mb folder from
one computer to another with samba and wireless got disconnected after
transferring a dozen files. I was also disconnected while simply downloading
my email.
Am I the only one experiencing such an issue on Toutat
hi sorry not my area of science. But in the off chance you did not check this
page: some of the software I
use in my area is there.
take special note of the biopython and bioperl pakages.
Welcome! It's gnome-session and gnome-shell.
I was wondering if there are many Trisquel users that work in biology? It is
exceedingly hard to find appropriate open programs for doing the day-to-day
tasks when you work in molecular biology. I was planning to write a few
python-based programs to take care of my personal needs, but first I
Nice review, and I think he gets it; I left a comment on the video,
saying as much. Is the disk space warning, to which he refers, specific
to the software center? I've never experienced it with synaptic or the
terminal apt tools. I suggested, if he really is running out of space,
he could r
On 28/03/13 00:16, Darksoul71 wrote:
Is there any ETA when the videos of the sessions will be published ?
I am currious to see RMS and Ruben's speech.
I'm not sure where, but I read somewhere that the videos are being
processed at the moment and will be published soon!
I am also looking forwar
Hi guys, I have installed trisquel 6 some days ago and I can use without any
problem Gnome shell with nouveau driver and gallium. Which packages i
have to install to have a complete Gnome 3 desktop enviroment ?
I'm sorry for my poor english.
Take Action!
A Defective by Design campaign.
1. I just about manage to avoid Flash on my computer, using the cute
alternatives you mentioned. All those Flash-based ads I can do without, and I
don't need to play online Flash games when I have plenty of games to install
2. I didn't say China and the US are on the same level. Re
The big issue of Ubuntu and the most distros is the recommendation of
non-free software/driver/firmware. Since Ubuntu 12.10 the big privacy
question was about Amazon lent not about Zeitgeist. GNOME Shell uses
Zeitgeist too.
Hi, Guys!
I'm brazilian too and I'm in the "Linux World" about 6 months by now. I
started with Ubuntu and I was very happy until last week, which I discovered
about that spyware/keylogger which people call Zeitgeist.
Looking for alternatives, I saw which most of popular distros come with th
Is there any ETA when the videos of the sessions will be published ?
I am currious to see RMS and Ruben's speech.
1. Gnash and Lightspark are nice "cute" projects that try really really hard,
but the web still relies so much on Flash for video content. It would be
awesome if most sites opted for an HTML5 option, but I still see such a huge
reliance on Flash and little adoption of WebM outside of Youtube
seems you did not get my point as much as I do not get your point !
As I indicated there is no "best" way as much as there is no "best" car for
everyone. A millionaire happily pays 1 mio$ for his Ferrari while the "cheap
guys" who live on a budget buy this 20 year old VW golf.
I di
Hash: SHA1
On 2013-03-27 05:46, wrote:
> @m971668: [...] Not everyone can afford to buy a new system from
> thinkpenguin for example. [...]
> Example: I just recently set up an old AMD Sempron with 2GB DDR
> RAM, 80GB HD and a GeForce 5700
Sneeky Linux has provided a nice video of him using Trisquel 6.0.
What's Wrong With Flash
Using or recommending Flash is equivalent to promoting proprietary software.
In addition, the audio and video codecs claim to be patented, and the
complete specification for making a compatible Flash player is not available.
On 27/03/13 01:56, t3g wrote:
Thoughts? Impressions?
I think the concept of a state-sponsored operating system is very
suspicious. It's different to LiMux and other projects, because
according to the article it's inte
I don't share your opinion on the "best" way !
It might be the easiest approach for a technically non-skilled user to buy a
pre-configured system with Trisquel already installed but it also comes at a
pretty steep price-tag. Not everyone can afford to buy a new system from
Here are some suggestions
And if you have physical access to a new machine, you can easily try the
hardware on a live CD or live USB to see if various things work. Usually 3D
and wireless are the most problematic regular parts. Here's how to make said
live m
I filled a bug report !
Such things should not happen on a GNU Linux distribution aiming for a
technically non-skilled audience.
Reducing the dependence on proprietary technology from an imperialist
superpower makes perfect sense for any country. China is no exception.
Try this /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "radeon"
Option "AccelMethod" "XAA"
Copy this there and then reboot.
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