Possibly a newbie question.
What happened to Compiz/Metacity switch in Trisquel 7?
Same! Though, I'd like to greet everyone Merry Christmas as well! :D
Happy Festivus everyone
InStead of some oliebol I've got some amandelbroodjes instead this
Ah, and 21/12 is tommorrow.
Newton and I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas! Kala Xpistouyena! Fröhliche Weihnachten!
best Yulefeast to all
merry solstice to all of you!!
12/21/2014 23:03
trisquel is way better then ubuntu and much better then debian. a free and
easy system and very nice looking too :)
p.s - once again i'll say this voting ridiculo is useless and stupid.
never used a single - or + , never will.
Don't use it and it will disappear!
I stopped using javascript more then a year ago. go ahead onpon! I totally
support your opinion on javascript!
i see - thanks magic b
Same thing here. I use GNOME Shell.
@onpon4: how did you manage to run gnome-maps?
I don't know, I didn't have any trouble with it. Unless it was related to
when I was using the stable GNOME PPA, but that wouldn't make sense, because
I got rid of that with ppa-purge.
What do you get when you try to run gnome-maps in a terminal?
The differences (additions of Audacity, Blender, Emacs 23, gimp-ufraw,
MyPaint, and Xournal) in two commands:
$ wget
$ $ diff *.manifest
The problem relates to the input method. Disabling IBus (that runs by
default) fixes it (after a disconnection/reconnection from/to the graphical
echo 'export XMODIFIERS=@im=none' > ~/.xprofile
The laptop now upgraded to support 32GB of ram but still the "upgraded" CPU
that cant be upgraded. And still numpad and still 16x9 screen.
It's all the fault of YouTube's JavaScript code, so the solution is simple:
disable JavaScript on YouTube.
I've recently been rejecting all JavaScript requests from websites. I suggest
everyone else do the same, and complain when these extensions are required,
regardless of license:
"Also if Debian was free, we wouldn't need to have Trisquel."
I don't know about that. There is a benefit to have a free version of Ubuntu,
regardless of Debian's own status.
Merry Gravmas to you, as well! (All of my apples have already fallen off of
the Gravmas tree. :-( )
If you're looking for an alarm clock try alarm-clock-applet (no, it's not
just an applet).
Merry Grav-Mass and a free new year everybody!
Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, I will try marble.
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